Compute! Issue 11 - April 1981
- The Editor's Notes by Robert Lock
- An Interview with Dr. Chip by Robert Lock
- Computers and Society by David D. Thornburg
- The Beginner's Page Part Two - Access to Resources by Robert Lock
- An Applications Commentary: Stimulating Simulations by Gregory R. Glau
- The Commodore VIC-20: A First Look by David D. Thornburg
- Advice to PET Owners: How to be a VIC Expert by Jim Butterfield
- Basically Useful BASIC: Ascending/Descending Sort by Rick Keck
- Program Compactor by Edward H. Carlson
- The Mysterious and Unpredictable RND Part 4: Create an Adventure by Bob Albrecht, George Firedrake
- Micros with the Handicapped by Susan Semancik
- Matrix Row Operations: A Mathematics Classroom Teaching Aid by William L. Hinrichs
- A Floating-Point Binary to BCD Routine by Marvin L. DeJong
- Resolving the Applesoft and Hires Graphics Memory Conflicts by Jeff Schmoyer
- Fill the Screen With Your Message: Generating Large Multi-colored Characters using Apple Low-resolution Graphics by Francis A. Harvey Rosann W. Collins, Theodore C. Hines
- Decrementing the For...Next and Endless Loops by Derek Kelly
- Super Cube by Steve Steinberg
- Printing Characters in Mixed Atari Graphics Modes by Craig Patchett
- Invaders from Outer Space:An Atari Program Using One Joystick by David H. Markley
- Unleash the Power of Your Atari CPU by Ed Stewart
- String Arrays in Atari BASIC by Charles Brannon
- Reviews: Atari Super Breakout and Others by Robert Baker
- Speeding up the Player-Missile Demo by Larry Isaacs
- OSI CIP Control Functions by C. A. Stewart
- Double the Cassette Baud Rate of your OSI Superboard II/1P by James Mason
- Review: HEXDOS 2 by Ronald C. Whitaker
- Partition and Load by R. D. Young
- Relative File Mechanics by Jim Butterfield
- Odds and Ends by Charles A. McCarthy
- COPLOT by Anselm Wachtel
- ROM Expansion for the Commodore PET by F. Arthur Cochrane
- Working with Basic 4.0 by Jim Butterfield
- Review Papermate Word Processor by Paul W. Sparks
- Disabling the STOP Key by Jim Butterfield
- Dissecting C. W. Moser's ASSM/TED 1.0 by Francis Turco
- PET File I/O and Machine Language by Raymond A. Diedrichs
- How to Get Started in Machine Code And Not Go Crazy With a Routine for Two Joysticks by Elizabeth Deal
- Machine Language: The Wonderful Wedge by Jim Butterfield
- The Single Board 6502 by Eric Rehnke
- KIM Tidbits: Expanding Your System by Harvey B. Herman
- Printing a Symbol Table for the AIM-65 Assembler by Richard F. Olivo
- New Products WordPro Plus Packages For Commodore Computers
- New Products June Workshops Announced
- New Products SYBEX Announces The Pascal Handbo
- New Products Clock/Calendar Feature Dropped From Apple III Personal Computers
- New Products New 6502-Based Single Board Computer
- New Products New VP Marketing At Atari's Computer Division
- New Products
- New Products Atari Memory Boards
- New Products Educational Software Announcement
- CAPUTE! Corrections/Clarifications
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