Compute! Issue 89 - October 1987
- Capute! Fixes for Laser Chess, IBM Fast Fractal Landscapes, ON-GOTO/ON-GOSUB, and Pop-up ASCII Table for IBM
- Close-Up: The Amiga 500 by Rhett Anderson
- 32-Bit Processing: Get Ready for the Next Wave by Keith Ferrell
- Marbles by Stephen Stout
- World Class Leader Board by James V. Trunzo
- The Bard's Tale II: The Destiny Knight by James V. Trunzo
- President Elect: 1988 Edition by Ervin Bobo
- Mentor by Keith Ferrell
- The Editor's Notes by Richard Mansfield
- Readers' Feedback Forward Two Steps, Back One by Editors And Readers Of Compute!
- Readers' Feedback Variable Operators? by Editors And Readers Of Compute!
- Readers' Feedback What's a Blit? by Editors And Readers Of Compute!
- Readers' Feedback Changing Chips by Editors And Readers Of Compute!
- Readers' Feedback Another Drive by Editors And Readers Of Compute!
- Readers' Feedback A Mouse in Applesoft by Editors And Readers Of Compute!
- Readers' Feedback Amiga Autoboot by Editors And Readers Of Compute!
- Computers and Society Son of a Nation of Thieves by David D. Thornburg
- The World Inside the Computer Computer Learning Month by Fred D'Ignazio
- ST Outlook ComputerEyes Video Digitizer by Philip I. Nelson
- IBM Personal Computing Bookshelf on a Disk by Donald B. Trivette
- Microscope by Sheldon Leemon
- AmigaView Behind the Workbench by Sheldon Leemon
- INSIGHT: Atari Machine Language Graphics: The Final Installment by Bill Wilkinson
- The Beginner's Page Detecting Keypresses by C. Regena
- Telecomputing Today Top Modem by Arlan R. Levitan
- Chrome: Double Hi-Res Graphics Commands for Applesoft by Zachary T. Smith
- A BUTTON Command for Amiga Basic by Robert Katz
- Super Turtle PILOT by Alan Poole
- Rid: A File Deleter by Paul W. Carlson
- Atari ST Menu Driver by Brian Flynn
- Smooth Out for the Atari by James Hague
- Nim: The Ultimate Binary Game by Jim Butterfield
- Double-Duty DOS by Jason Coleman
- Dazzlers by Paul W. Carlson
- Word War by Peter Crosby
- Stringing the Atari Screen by Rhett Anderson
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