Compute! Issue 95 - April 1988
- Report from the Winter Consumer Electronics Show by Keith Ferrell
- Our Back Pages: A Decade of Readers' Feedback
- Galacticon by Bill Chin, George Miller
- GBA Championship Basketball: Two-on-Two by James V. Trunzo
- Beyond Zork by James V. Trunzo
- 3-D Helicopter Simulator by Ervin Bobo
- Printrix by Ervin Bobo
- CPS-500 Power Supply for Amiga by Scott Thomas
- The Editor's Notes by Keith Ferrell
- Readers' Feedback IBM Mouse And Joystick by Editors And Readers Of Compute!
- Readers' Feedback Graphics And Music In Amiga Basic by Editors And Readers Of Compute!
- Readers' Feedback MS-DOS Emulation For The 64 by Editors And Readers Of Compute!
- Readers' Feedback Disks And DOS by Editors And Readers Of Compute!
- Readers' Feedback File Check And Improved Input by Editors And Readers Of Compute!
- Readers' Feedback Sequential File Overwrite by Editors And Readers Of Compute!
- Readers' Feedback Catching Bits In BASIC by Editors And Readers Of Compute!
- Readers' Feedback Saving The Screen by Editors And Readers Of Compute!
- Readers' Feedback Redefining The ST Keyboard by Editors And Readers Of Compute!
- Readers' Feedback SpeedScript Utilities by Editors And Readers Of Compute!
- Readers' Feedback In The Fast Lane by Editors And Readers Of Compute!
- Computers and Society Creativity with Constraints by David D. Thornburg
- The World Inside the Computer The National Gallery of Art in Your Computer by Fred D'Ignazio
- Microscope The Hazards of Hypercard by Sheldon Leemon
- ST Outlook Printing ST Pictures on a Laser Printer by Philip I. Nelson
- AmigaView Another Month, Another Show by Sheldon Leemon
- The Beginner's Page Using Disks by C. Regena
- INSIGHT: Atari That Month Again by Bill Wilkinson
- Telecomputing Today Burning Issues in a Campaign Year by Arlan R. Levitan
- IBM Personal Computing Mother Goose by Donald B. Trivette
- The Elementary Amiga Part 5 by Jim Butterfield
- Apple ProDOS Date and Time Stamper by Peter J. McLoone
- Screen Print for Atari by Richard Tietjens
- The Pyramid Game by Ronald Bobo
- Tokenized and Untokenized Disk Files: A Tutorial by Eugene Koh
- Movable Feasts: Calculating Easter by Jim Butterfield
- Credit Scroll for the 64 by Kenny Lawson
- Converter by Vincent C. O'Connor
- States and Capitals by Elmer Larsen, M.D. Perry Jr.
- Automatic Menus for IBM PC by Charles L. Banks
- The New, Improved Bubble Sort by Jim Butterfield
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