Classic Computer Magazine Archive COMPUTE! ISSUE 137 / JANUARY 1992 / PAGE S32

MS-DOS glossary. (MS-DOS Featuring DOS 5.0 ) (Glossary)

batch file. A text file that contains a sequence of commands supported by a batch command language.

BIOS. Pronounced "bye-ose." Short for Basic Input/Output System. The set of routines in a PC's ROM chip that allows DOS to communicate with the computer hardware.

boot. To start up a computer. Also, the process of starting up a computer.

conventional memory. The first 640K of memory. It can be used by DOS without special programs or drivers.

FAT. Short for File Allocation Table. The area on a floppy or hard disk where DOS keeps a map of available disk space.

macro. A set of keystrokes or commands that are mapped to a key, combination of keys, or other executable element.

MS-DOS. Pronounced "em-ess-doss." Short for Microsoft Disk Operating System. The most popular PC operating system. It oversees your PC's disk input and output, video support, keyboard control, program execution, and file maintenance.

shell. A software program that provides the user with a means to control the operating system. DOS shell programs are usually add-on programs designed to make it easier to use MS-DOS.

TSR. Short for Terminate and Stay Resident. A program that stays in memory but remains hidden until activated with a hot key. Also known as a memory-resident program.

wildcard. A keyboard character that's used to represent one or more characters. In DOS, the question mark (?) can be used to represent any single character, and the asterisk (*) can be used to represent one or more characters.