Classic Computer Magazine Archive COMPUTE! ISSUE 17 / OCTOBER 1981 / PAGE 10

COMPUTE!'s New Listing Conventions For CBM

New machines — VIC and "FAT-40" — and 4.0 BASIC have added a host of new editing functions and color control codes. To make COMPUTE!'s program listings as easy as possible for you to type in accurately, we will list CBM programs in a new, simpler way. Starting in this issue, you will see that our previous method — reconstructed cursor symbols — has been replaced by bracketed words. [DOWN] will mean the cursor-down key. [3 LEFT] will mean three cursor-lefts, and so on.

We will continue to split program lines with the ~ symbol. It signals that the line is continued below and prevents any spaces from being hidden. All shifted characters and graphics are represented by their underlined non-graphics equivalent. Line 110 in David Swaim's article, "High Resolution Bar Graphics for the PET," is a good example of the new conventions. We hope you will agree that this change will simplify your typing of programs. Let us know how you feel.

Here is a table of the new conventions:

Key To COMPUTE!'s CBM Listings

                 All Machines
Clear Screen			{CLEAR}
Home Cursor			{HOME}
Cursor Up			{UP}
Cursor Down			{DOWN}
Cursor Right			{RIGHT}
Cursor Left			{LEFT}
Insert Character		{INST}
Delete Character		{DEL}
Reverse field on		{RVS}
Reverse field off		{OFF}
            CBM 8032/"FAT 40"
Set Window Top			{SET TOP}
Set Window Bottom		{SET BOT}
Scroll Up			{SCR UP}
Scroll Down			{SCR DOWN}
Insert Line			{INST LINE}
Delete Line			{DEL LINE}
Erase to Beginning		{ERASE BEG}
Erase to End			{ERASE END}
Toggle TAB			{TGL TAB}
TAB				{TAB}
ESCape key			{ESC}
          VIC 20 Color Computer
Set color to Black		{BLK}
Set color to White		{WHT}
Set color to Red		{RED}
Set color to Cyan		{CYN}
Set color to Purple		{PUR}
Set color to Green		{GRN}
Set color to Blue		{BLU}
Set color to Yellow		{YEL}
Function One			{F1}
Function Two			{F2}
Function Three			{F3}
Function Four			{F4}
Function Five			{F5}
Function Six			{F6}
Function Seven			{F7}
Function Eight			{F8}
Any Non IMplemented Function	{NIM}