Classic Computer Magazine Archive COMPUTE! ISSUE 42 / NOVEMBER 1983 / PAGE 10

Text On The Apple High-Resolution Screen

My family has just purchased an Apple II + computer. I can program graphics on the high-resolution screen, but things just aren't the same without text somewhere besides the text window at the bottom of the screen. Is it possible to put text on the high-resolution graphics screen?

Mark Hayek

You can put shapes that look like text on the Apple's high-resolution graphics screen by using the program "HRCG" (high-resolution character generator) that comes on the DOS Tool Kit disk. This program can be accessed from a BASIC program and will load shape tables representing different character sets into memory just below DOS.

Normally, these shape tables will produce the standard ASCII characters on the high-resolution screen. However, there are other character sets on the Tool Kit disk which can be substituted for the ASCII set. If you like, you can even define your own character set using the program "Animatrix," also on this disk. This method was employed in the Apple version of the game "Goblin," which appeared in the July 1983 issue of COMPUTE!. Consult the booklet which accompanies the Tool Kit disk for details on these techniques.