Classic Computer Magazine Archive COMPUTE! ISSUE 9 / FEBRUARY 1981 / PAGE 75

Atari As Terminal

A Short Communications Program

Henrique Veludo
N.Y.C., N.Y.

Here is a short, unsophisticated (it has no provisions for a printer, etc.) program to convert the ATARI into a terminal for communication over the telephone with a remote computer system such as the MICRONET data bank, using the ATARI modem and 850 Interface Module. After it is entered and RUN, it can be exited with the BREAK key (this will close all devices and reset parameters).

Lines 30-40 open the keyboard and RS232 devices.

Line 40 starts the Concurrent I/O Mode.

Line 50 gets characters from the keyboard and sends them.

Line 60 checks for an empty buffer.

Line 70 gets characters from the buffer and prints them.

Line 80 checks if a key has been pressed, and if so, directs program to send the character.

10 ? "}" : POKE 82, 0
20 OPEN #1, 4, 0, "K:
30 OPEN #2, 13, 0, "R:
40 XI0 40, #2, 0, 0, "R:
50 GET #1, A : PUT#2, A : POKE 764, 255
60 STATUS #2, R : IF PEEK(747) = 0 THEN 80
70 GET #2, B : ? CHR$(B);
80 IF PEEK(764) <> 255 THEN 50
90 GOTO 60