Classic Computer Magazine Archive CREATIVE COMPUTING VOL. 11, NO. 4 / APRIL 1985 / PAGE 16

Computer literacy for teachers: issues, questions, and concerns. (book reviews) Russ Lockwood.

This compendium of 26 articles by educators, editors, and authors examines how teachers of grades K-12 should approach the use of microcomputers in the classroom. It presents differing opinions on computer curricula and details examples of how schools are implementing computer education programs.

The book leads off with a section discussing the influences, effects, and capabilities of computers in the classroom. Another section presents definitions of computer literacy, and a third examines exemplary computer programs from selected schools. Several appendices guide educators to numerous sources for more information.

Despite the obscene pricetag, this book presents an anthology of interesting views on a controversial topic. Teachers facing the dilemmas of classroom computerization will reap great rewards from this book.

Review Grade: B