Classic Computer Magazine Archive CREATIVE COMPUTING VOL. 11, NO. 9 / SEPTEMBER 1985 / PAGE 12

The computer entrepreneurs. (book reviews) Russ Lockwood.

The Computer Entrepreneurs provides short profiles on 65 pioneers of the microcomputer revolution. Each profile chronicles the rise of a company and offers glimpses into the background, motivations, and dreams of its founding father.

Divided into seven sections--machine makers, software wizards, innard engineers, shopkeepers, information moguls, industry gurus, and the rising sun--almost all thee famous, and infamous, pioneers are here: Bushnell, Jobs, Tramiel, Millard, McKenna, Adams, Hayes, Carlston, Osborne, and other household names.

Based on interviews and supplemented with good old fashioned research, the book keeps a light touch throughout. Not surprisingly, most of the entrepreneurs have several things in common: humble backgrounds, workaholic tendencies, divorces, and colossal egos.

The Computer Entrepreneurs makes for fascinating reading. If you are interested in the founders of microcomputerdom, pick up this book--one profile and you will be hooked.

Review Grade: A