WELCOME TO THE ANTIC MONTHLY DISK›››SPECIAL DISK BONUS:›This side of the Antic Monthly Disk contains the winning entries from›Antic's popular ATARI'TOONS contest.››The menu that appeared on the screen when you booted the disk will only›RUN programs with a .BAS extender. If you try to run a program and the›response is 'cannot run Filename', check the file extender with the›following list:››.BAS BASIC saved program, use menu RUN or LOAD and RUN.›.LST BASIC listed program, ENTER then RUN.›.SHO Atari'Toons cartoon file. View with ATARTOON.BAS.›.FNT Atari'Toons redefined character set file.››If you've never used Atari'Toons before, here's a guide to help›you use the program. See the August, 1985 issue of ANTIC for›complete Atari'Toons documentation.›› ATARI'TOONS HELP FILE››With ATARI 'Toons you can create amusing cartoon shows that are›easily animated with Atari's [CONTROL] key functions. ATARI›'Toons will put together simple editing functions, memorize›them, and play back simple character graphics movie shows›which can be saved to disk.››The main ATARI 'Toons program is on your disk with the filename›ATARTOON.BAS. You can select it from the menu or, from BASIC,›type RUN "D:ATARTOON.BAS".››Note: If you choose to move the ATARTOON.BAS file to another›disk, you must also move the ATARTOON.SYS file.››ATARI'TOONS MENU››When you RUN ATARI 'Toons, a menu will appear, showing the›current size of your cartoon buffer -- or memory space -- and›how much room is left to add onto your cartoon.››Load a Show -›you may enter a filename, or press [RETURN] to see the›directory of any drive. You can also press [ESC] at any time to›return to the menu. If a cartoon is already in memory,›you will be prompted to delete the current show first.›When the load is complete, the buffer figures will reflect›the size of the cartoon file.››Play back Show - Play the cartoon show at the proper›speed (see below) of one to 256, using the›last character set enabled.›› -->>> *** The Winner *** <<<--›››CLASS.SHO, by Brian Hastings, should be played at 248›with the cursor OFF. Use the standard Atari character›set to view this Atari'Toon.›› *** RUNNERS-UP ***›››COUNTRY.SHO, by Dennis Bennett, Should be played at 230›with the cursor OFF. Remember to Load COUNTRY.FNT›before viewing this Atari'Toon.››FIREWRKS.SHO, by Albert Baggetta, should be played at 253›with the cursor OFF. Use the standard Atari character›set to view this Atari'Toon.››HELPTOON.SHO, by Alan Kirk, should be played at 223›with the cursor OFF. Remember to Load HELPTOON.FNT›before viewing this Atari'Toon.››MARTIAL.SHO, by Peter Ritchie, should be played at 240›with the cursor OFF. Use the standard Atari character›set to view this Atari'Toon.››WIZARD.SHO, by Edward Lim, should be played at 249›with the cursor OFF. Remember to Load WIZARD.FNT›before viewing this Atari'Toon.››You may interrupt the show at any time by pressing [START].›Press the [SPACE] bar to start and stop the display.››You may load a custom character set for use during EDIT and›Playback. If you don't choose this option, ATARI 'Toons will›use the standard Atari set. If you want ATARI 'Toons to›automatically load and enable your favorite character set, put›it on your ATARI 'Toons disk and name it CHAR.SET. Other›character sets may be loaded using menu option 8.››Quit ATARI 'Toons - Exit the program. All RAM previously›reserved for the character set and screen flipping will be›returned for program use.›