›ST LISTINGS›ON MONTHLY DISK›...and how to get them››by CHARLES JACKSON›Antic Technical Editor››For those ST owners who do not yet›own a C compiler, but are eager to›try out Antic's C language listings,›we are now including the executable›object code on the Antic Monthly›Disk.››XXX››All disk files with extenders›of .PRG, .TOS, .TPP and .ACC are›compiled ST programs, ready to be›transferred to an ST disk and›executed. Given enough disk space,›we will also include the source›code. 'C' source code files will›have a .C extender, assembly›language source code will have›an .S extender.››XXX››PORTING FILES›Before using an ST program, you must›transfer it to an ST disk. This›process of transferring files›between computers is called›"porting."››XXX›› To port a file from the Antic›Monthly disk to an ST disk, you'll›need the Linkline programs from›the August 1985 issue.›(LINKLINE.PRG and LINKLINE.EXE› are both included on this disk).››››XXX››If you don't have Linkline, you›may also use:›› - A telecommunications program›for the ST which supports XMODEM›file transfers.›FLASH or PC/InterComm will work).››XXX›› - A similar program for your›8-bit Atari which supports XMODEM›file transfers. Chameleon or›BackTalk will work. Unfortunately,›HomeTerm won't do the job because it›translates all carriage returns into›ATASCII value 155. Also, don't›expect to succeed at ST porting with›any version of AMODEM.››XXX››A - 8-bit Atari computer›B - An Atari 850 Interface Module› with a modem cable› (RS-232 to D-9.)›C - Null modem connector›D - Gender changer (if required)›E - Your ST›››    ›| A |=>| B |=>| C |=>| D |=>| E |›    ››› Sample porting configuration››XXX›› IMPORTANT: If you're not using›Linkline, both modem programs›must be configured similarly. If›your 8-bit software is set for 1200›baud, your ST software also must be›configured for 1200 baud.›› Additionally, BOTH programs must›be set for 8-bit (binary) file›transfers.››XXX›› Once both computers are linked›together you may begin the file›transfer. You can also reverse this›procedure to transfer files from ST›disks to your 8-bit machine.››XXX››WALK-THROUGH DEMO››1) LINKLINE:›Once both LINKLINE programs are›running, place the monthly disk›into the 5-1/4" drive, and sit›down at the ST. Choose the›LOAD A FILE option and type in›the name of the file you want to›transfer. LINKLINE will pull›the file off of the monthly disk,›and save it to an ST disk.››That's it. You're done.››XXX›WALK-THROUGH DEMO››2) MODEM PROGRAMS››Let's walk-through a sample file›transfer. We'll use BackTalk on an›8-bit machine, and FLASH on the ST.›› Configure BackTalk for 1200 baud,›with Full Duplex and ASCII›translation. Press [SELECT],›choose the XSEND option, select›XMODEM protocol and enter the name›of the file you wish to port.››XXX›› From the ST desktop, double click›on FLASH.PRG. Make sure FLASH is›running at 1200 baud. Type -B›to change baud rates, if necessary.› Now type -R (for RECEIVE).›When the file selector box appears,›press [ESCAPE] and type the name of›the file to receive. Press [RETURN]›or click on OK.›› To begin the transfer, press the›[START] button on the 8-bit Atari.››XXX›› Occasionally some versions of›XMODEM will append extra "garbage"›characters to your files. Text›files, such as C listings, are›particularly susceptible to this›problem. If your implementation of›XMODEM appends garbage characters to›your source code, you must remove›those characters with a text editor›before compiling the program.››