*** BONUS FILES * BONUS FILES ***›› KING KENO› (KENO.EXE, found on Side 'B')›› By Len Shikowitz››KING KENO is a compiled BASIC program›which brings the chills, thrills and›nonstop excitement of Keno to your›keyboard!››To get right down and play KING KENO,›first copy KENO.EXE to another disk.›This will be your KING KENO disk. (Make›sure this disk has the DOS.SYS file on›it!). Remove your monthly disk and put›it in a safe place.››Next, rename KENO.EXE to AUTORUN.SYS.›› To start:› - Put your KING KENO disk into› drive #1.› - Turn off your Atari.› - Remove all cartridges.› - XL, XE and Game Machine owners› should press the [OPTION] key.› - Turn on your Atari.››KING KENO will load and run›automatically.››*** > MORE BONUS FILES < ***››We've included several character sets›(or "fonts") from Matthew Ratcliff and›the Antic Font Library.››You may use these fonts with TOP›BANNER as well as any other program›which uses a standard size font file.››***> And MORE BONUS FILES <***››COCKTAIL.DAT is a data file for a›cocktail glass. It may be used with›SPIN.BAS, this month's 3-D wireframe›generator.››COCKTAIL.MIC is the corresponding›Micropainter-style picture file.›