› WELCOME TO THE ANTIC MONTHLY DISK ›   ¨ã©±¹¸¸¬ Áîôéã Ðõâìéóèéîç Éîã®   ››Most of the programs on this disk are›written in Atari BASIC. Some require›special hardware or specific instruc-›tions. Please read the corresponding›issue of ANTIC for complete›If you wish to order a back issue,›or need subscription information,›call us at (415) 957-0886. For credit›card orders, dial (800) 227-1617, Ex.›133. In California, call›(800) 722-3545, Ex. 133›XXX›ý *** BONUS FILES * BONUS FILES ***ý› DRONE DUSTERS› BY BOB AYIK›› DRONE DUSTERS (DRONE.EXE) is a›slick machine-language arcade game.› If you gamers liked TARG,›you'll *LOVE* Drone Dusters!› Read the HELP file for›complete instructions.›XXX›ý *** > MORE BONUS FILES < ***ý› We've also included PMED.SYS,›which may be used as an AUTORUN›file for your PM Graphics Editor.› Simply copy all the PMED files›to a disk with DOS 2 or DOS 2.5 on›it. This will be your PM Graphics›Editor disk. Finally, rename›PMED.SYS to AUTORUN.SYS. Now,›whenever you boot this disk, the›PM Graphics Editor will›automatically load and run.››XXX›ý *** > MORE BONUS FILES < ***ý››Whenever there is sufficient room,›we will be including TYPO II and›LINKLINE on the monthly disks.›TYPO II is in LISTed form, and ›must be ENTERed before using.›It will not RUN from the menu.››Please see the HELP files on the›FRONT of this disk for LINKLINE›instructions.››ýýý››XXX››The menu that appeared on the screen›when you booted the disk will only›RUN programs with a .BAS extender.›If you try to run a program and the›response is 'cannot run Filename',›check the file extender with this›list:›XXX›››.BAS BASIC saved program, use menu› RUN or LOAD and RUN.›.LST BASIC listed program, ENTER› then RUN.›.EXE Assembly language 'Load and› Go' file. Remove BASIC, boot› DOS, type L then enter the› filename.›.ASM Assembly language source code› (Atari Assembler Editor)› Must be compiled.›.M65 "SAVEd" MAC/65 assembly › language source code.› Must be compiled.››XXX››.OBJ Machine language object file.› Same as .EXE but not 'Load and› Go'. See corresponding article.›.SYS Reserved for DOS system files.›.TXT Text file. Usually accessed› by another program.›.ANM A special P/M Animator file› for this issues P/M GRAPHICS› EDITOR.›XXX››All programs from ANTIC issues dated›prior to August 1984 were reproduced›from ANTIC's Archive. We've updated›them from our HELP columns and›most are compatible with the XL and›XE machines. We have worked to insure›that our programs operate as›published, but we consider all our›software listings to be works in›progress which we encourage you to›personalize and enhance.››Good luck, and ENJOY!›› -ANTIC ED›