*** BONUS FILES ***››By popular demand, we've included MORE›music files for Antic's AMP Music›Processor (Antic Disk Bonus, Dec.›1988). These music files are not only›a joy to listen to but they help show›off AMP 2.0's capabilities!››(You need the Antic Music Processor›(AMP.EXE) to hear these songs. AMP›version 2.0 is featured on the June›1989 Monthly Disk.)››*** MORE BONUS FILES ***››This month we have an exciting two-›player tank game called EXWALL. To get›EXWALL up and running you can load it›from DOS using the L function (be sure›to boot DOS without BASIC) or format a›new disk, write DOS to that disk, copy›EXWALL.EXE to that disk and then›rename it AUTORUN.SYS. Now you will›have EXWALL as an autobooting game!›