sYbil-ization is Harmonic
The world of MIDI is redefined with the release of sYbil from
Scorpion Systems Group. sYbil is the first music program intended specifically
for real-time performance. sYbil includes remapping and variable sustain
features that let you improvise many different instruments simultaneously.
Transposition is literally instantaneous.
For example, with sYbil assigned to a single string of your MIDI guitar controller, you can accompany yourself with chords, notes, drums and bass lines which sustain independently of other lines being played on other strings. You can make your solo drum performance sound like a duo, trio or quartet, or you can translate the entire percussion idea into a keyboard performance.
sYbil is not a sequencer; it does not rely on algorithmic composition. It is not a "right note generator" or auto accompanist. In fact, it represents a radical departure from such programs. sYbil multiplies your musical personality. If you need to hear it to believe it, Scorpion Systems has set up a sYbil hotline: (313) 827-1444. sYbil, $299. Scorpion Systems, 175 Fifth Ave., Ste. 2624 B, New York, NY 10010, 415/864-2956.

If you haven't heard, Duggan DeZign Inc. has released Stik-Gripper, a steel latch that wraps around your joystick and locks it onto the table. It adjusts to fit on any stick with a minimum base width from 2 1/2" to 4 5/8" and a maximum height of 2 1/8". With both hands free, you'll have more control of your stick, more control of the action. Imagine the true arcade feeling. Stik-Gripper, $18.95 Duggan DeZign, Inc., 300 Quaker Lane, Ste. #7, West Warwick, RI 02886, (800) 843-1223 (orders) (401) 823-8073 (Inquires)
New Book for ST Owners
Intermediate and Advanced Atari ST Subjects is Ralph Turner's follow-up to his successful The Atari ST Book. In his new book, Turner demystifies many of the difficult procedures and concepts that challenge the serious ST user. Written in plain English, this 158-page book is packed with step-by-step instructions that help both beginning and advanced users tap their ST's full potential. Programming knowledge is not required. Atari ST Subjects, $16.95. Index Legalis Publishing Company, P.O. Box 1822-56, Fairfield, IA 52556, 515/472-2293.

Chaos Strikes Back!
The long-awaited extension to FTL's best-selling Dungeon Master, Chaos Strikes Back is here. Chaos begins where Dungeon Master leaves off. It turns out that evil Lord Chaos left traps for you before you captured him in the last game. If you're a Dungeon Master fan, you'll love Chaos, hut if you haven't played DM, you won't get three feet striking back.
You can use your original DM characters or select from a new set of
champions in the Chaos prison. A utilities disk converts your adventures
into a Chaos-saved format: the game disk works the same as the DM disk.
Added features include the ability to edit your champion's portrait and
exchange it with other players. A hint oracle analyzes your position in
the dungeon and gives you different levels of clues, without giving too
much away. Chaos Strikes Back, $39.95. FTL Games, 6160 Lusk Blvd., Ste.
C-206, San Diego, CA 92121, 619/453-5711.
At last, the long-awaited
sequel to Dungeon Master, Chaos
Strikes Bock is here.
Maneuver your way through
treacherous mazes and
past malevolent beings on your quest.
Zubair Memory Upgrade
Three new memory upgrade products are now available from Zubair Interfaces. Z-RAM/2.5 is a 2.5MB upgrade for the 520ST/520STfm. It uses 16 one-megabit RAM chips to add 2MB on top of the 1/2MB that's in the system already, for a total of 2.5MB. Z-RAM/Mega2-to-4 is a 2MB upgrade for the Mega 2 and upgrades the memory from 2MB to 4MB. Z-RAM 3D/4Meg for the 520STfm/1040 upgrades memory from 2.5MB to 4MB. This board has a jumper that lets you select 2.5MB to 4MB of total system RAM. All boards involve easy, solderless, installation.
Zubair also has the new ST/Ime, an internal lithium battery/backed-up
clock calendar for the 520ST/520STfm/1040ST. It fits under one of the TOS
ROM chips and the 10-year lithium battery leaves the cartridge port free
for other add-on products. Z-RAM/2.5, $129.95 (without RAM chips); Z-RAM/
Mega 2-to-4, $149.95 (bare board); Z-RAM 3D/4Meg, $149.95 (without RAM
chips); ST/Ime, $59.95. Zubair Interfaces, Inc., 5243B Paramount Blvd.,
Lakewood, CA 90712 213/408-6715.
Zubair's Z-RAM 3D/4Meg
upgrade board is small and
easy to install.
MichTron BBS 3.0
MichTron's BBS creation kit is released as BBS 3.0. It's capable of three incoming lines through the DC-Port plus one on the host console; on multi-port systems, there's an interline chat mode which lets you have conference-type calls (like CompuServe). It supports the standard file transfer options: XMODEM, XMODEM-CRC, XMODEM-1K, ASCII and YMODEM. BBS 3.0 also has its own built in language, the MichTron Control Language, with control structures similar to C (while/for/ repeat). As sysop, you can maintain the board (log on and do your thing) without shutting the whole thing down. You can also sysop by phone or appoint others in remote locations to help you. MichTron BBS 3.0, $79.95. MichTron, 576 S. Telegraph, Pontiac, MI 48053, (313) 334-5700.

Supra Supramodem
Supra Corporation, manufacturer of the SupraModem 2400, has released the SupraModem 2400 Plus external modem. It features MNP classes 2-5 and CCITT V.42bis protocols, which are error-conection and data-compression features that let you communicate at fast rates. Set your terminal to 9600 baud; SupraModem 2400 Plus automatically determines what kind of modem is at the other end of the phone line and adjusts its rate and protocol for optimal communication. You'll need a computer with an RS-232C interface, communications software, and a cable to connect the modem and computer. Everything else is included: the modem, manual, power adapter and telephone cable. SupraModem 2400 Plus, $199.95. Supra Corporation, 1133 Commercial Way, Albany, OR 97321, 503/967-9075.
A World on Your Screen
An electronic atlas is available for your ST. Geography Tutor is a program of maps and databases of the world. It includes various facts from major religions and languages to military and education spending. You can also create your own database without affecting the standard program base. The standard program maps North and South America, Europe, Africa, the states and provinces of North America and the world at large. There are currently three supplementary disks available and will continue to be created. Geography Tutor works on the ST and Mega, and on both color and monochrome monitors. Geography Tutor, $39.95. ASDE Inc., 151 rue Jolicoeur, Hull, Quebec, Canada J8Z 1C8, (819) 770-7681.
Where is Japan? Geography
Tutor tests your knowledge of
the locations of countries
and facts about them.
Filed Under Talk
A promising new BBS support board has just been released by Twilight Zone Software. Written entirely in GFA BASIC 3.0, STark lets you set up your own BBS through a fully GEM oriented systems editor. Among the many features, it offers Command Stacking, Hotkeys, Pre-Formatted Input and a built-in Auto Backup. It can handle up to 256 file areas (each area over 32,000 files) and up to 256 message bases (each base up to 512 messages). STark supports standard file transfers such as XMODEM, ASCII and YMODEM, as well as ZMODEM protocol. It also is S-Net and FoReM compatible.
There are two specialized support BBSs available from which registered sysops can download daily updates and module programs. All updates are free. STark, $50.00. Twilight Zone Software, P.O. Box 7246, Louisville KY 40257, VoIce: (502) 955-6125 or 897-1582; Data: (502) 897-1589 or 955-6955.

Create your own magical order with Fractal Fantasy from
Maxwell C.P.U. Includes a 3-D projection feature to bring
the fantasy to life.
More from Max Well
MaxWell Computer Products, makers of the DTP tool Silhouette, brings
two more accessories to your ST: Fractal Fantasy and LaserPR.ACC.
Fractal Fantasy lets you create quick fractal designs. It includes such features as three algorithms, color-palette select and save, 512-color cycling through the image, saving as low and high resolution DEGAS files, stop, save, continue and 3D projections.
LaserPR.ACC gives you a quick configuration of HP LaserJet and DeskJet printers or compatibles. You can print two pages per sheet in a two-column format. It also sports an auto-load RAM disk, spooler and system information.
Fractal Fantasy, $23.95; LaserPR.ACC, $19.95. MaxWell C.P.U., 507W. Baseline, Lafayette, CO 80026, 303/666-7754.
If you have a new product for the ST we'd like to hear from you. Please send press releases and product photos to Products Update, START Magazine, 544 Second Street, San Francisco, CA 94107