Classic Computer Magazine Archive ANTIC VOL. 2, NO. 12 / MARCH 1984



If you add the five lines of code below to TYPO (reprinted in ANTIC, page 42, February 1984), they will allow you to: 1) erase the TYPO program from your main program after you have debugged it, and 2) automatically list your program to the screen. To use the program, just type G.32400 after debugging. The additional lines will not affect the TYPO Table.

32400 ? "I":? :? :CLR :DIM Q$(15):? "TYPO ERASE PROGRAM":? :? "PRESS RETURN TO START":QF=31970:POKE 752,1
32420 QF=QF+30:POSITION 2,12:? QF:? QF+10:? QF+20:POSITION 0,0:POKE 842,13:POSITION 2,15:? "CONT":POSITION 2,10
32430 STOP
32440 POKE 842,12:GOTO 32420

Listing: TYPOERAS.BAS Download

Philip Diedeman
Phoenix, MD


Many thanks for the game Tele-Chess (ANTIC, May 1983). It really is super.

To give the player a better perspective on the board, I've modified the program slightly. Change lines 1360, 1370, and 1390:

1360 BOARD (T,1)=-l
1370 BOARD (T,6)=l
1390 BOARD (T,0)=A

This sets up the white pieces at the bottom of the screen and the black pieces at the top, instead of having the pieces on the right and left sides of the board, as in the original.

Franklin M. Dresler
Leeds, England


I've added a few lines to "Hookey" (ANTIC, September 1983) that make the game more colorful by randomly changing the screen's color every time a new square is filled in. Add these lines:

51 GOSUB 20000
20000 AB=INT(RND(0)*5)
20001 AC=INT(RND(0)*65536)
20002 AD=INT(RND(0)*65536)
20004 SETCOLOR 1,0,0
20005 RETURN

Ken Simon
Van Nuys, CA


Is there a kit that allows the Atari 800 to use an RGB (high-resolution) color monitor? Also, is there an interface that would allow the 800 to be attached to the tape-output jacks of a preamp to produce graphics or a visual display of the program materials audio frequencies in a bar-graph format? Finally, is there a system that allows the 800 to be utilized as a video titler and mixer for special effects?

E. Benchimol
Folsom, CA

Austin Franklin (43 Grove St. Ayer, MA 01432) makes an 80 column board for the 800 with an optional RGB interface. See our review in the January 1983 issue. We don't have the answers to your other questions. Any ideas from our readers? - ANTIC ED


There is a small error in the circle- drawing routine in "GTIA Sketchpad" (ANTIC, December 1983). The problem occurs when you select a radius that is on a diagonal from the center. The circle, when drawn, skips the designated point on the circumference, because of the unusual shape of the GTIA pixal (four units wide by one unit high). The variable SCALE corrects for the pixel shape, but was missed in the calculation of the circle's radius in line 980. Change 980 to:

980 R = SQR(((XD/SCALE)*(XD/SCALE))+(YD*YD))

William A. Dement
Ft. Clayton, Panama


I've been a reader of your magazine ever since it started (April 1982), and I like your style and the information you provide. Your printer survey (ANTIC, January 1984) was good, but I'd like to point out several errors that were made in the review of the Epson FX-80. First, the switches on the front are "on line,""form feed," and "line feed" - not "line feed," "top of form," and "select" as was stated in the review. In addition, the review states that "the buffer holds about one line." This is true if the DIP switch 1-4 is "off." If this switch is placed in the "on" position, however, a 2K buffer is available. I've owned my Epson for 10 months now, and am very pleased with it (although the ribbon needs to be replaced frequently).

Ted Brindle
Indianapolis, IN


Here are some changes I made to Maze Maniac (ANTIC, August 1983). The changes let the program time your progress through the maze, instead of counting down from 100 seconds. In line 20, change T=T-1 to T=T+1. Add line 245:

245 POSITION 1,6:PRINT #6; "IN ";T;" seconds"

Change TT=100 in line 700 to TT=0. Change POSITION 5,9 in line 240 to position 6,8.

Tim O'Brien
Bergenfield, NJ