(arcade game)
Sierra On-Line
36575 Mudge Ranch Road
Coarsegold, CA 93614
(209) 683-6858
8K - cartridge $37.78
Watch this uppity ice-cube character - Mr. Cool - invade the pyro-pyramid and freeze out the Hot Springs and the Fireballs. His enemies constantly try to melt him and he has to act fast to avoid contact. The playfield simulates a furnace and you are the ice-cube in hostile territory.
1058-P Marigold Court
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
(408) 246-8325
$35.00 - diskette
Upgrade your Atari DOS 2.OS with this modification and enhancement software. Tutorial on flip side explains DOS functions. The major improvements include full use of the screen, one-line commands, options to control wild-card file operations and a reliable MEM.SAV facility. All of the changes were designed to use the same memory capacity to be compatible with existing programs.
Microprose Software
1 Caribou Court
Parkton, MD 21120
(301) 357-4739
48K -- cassette and diskette
This aerial combat simulation for one to four players comes as close to real-life dogfighting as possible without risking life and limb. Programmer Sid Meier flew regularly with fighter pilots from the National Guard for three months before he wrote the program. The screen is divided into two independently scrolling horizontnl displays. Your wingman protects you on raids.

Sim Computer Products, Inc.
1l00 E. Hector St.
Whitemarsh, PA 19428
(215) 825-4250
36K - cassette - $29.95
24K - diskette - $39.95
Use this powerful and inexpensive spreadsheet for home and business calculations. With Home-Calc you can enter numbers, labels, or formulas in each cell. It enables you to add, subtract, multiply, divide, use the exponential guide, sum, and recalculate. The diskette version also features a "replicate" command. Maximum spreadsheet size is 510 cells for the 48K disk.
Wiser Electronics
2250 Natalie Ave.
Las Vegas, NV 89109
(702) 731-2608
Save time and effort with this single stroke cursor control for the 400/800. The small keypad fits above the clear and insert keys providing you with cursor control in one step. Complete installation instructions included and no soldering is required. Specify 400 or 800 when you order.
(CP/M interface)
USS Enterprises
6708 Landerwood Lane
San Jose, CA 95120
(408) 997-0264
The Critical Connection allows you to run CP/M via hardware and software on your ATARI. The hardware connects to the serial port up to 15 feet away. The software replaces the Atari disk drives, printer and keyboard, simulating up to four drives. The entire system can be easily installed via a simple plug-in and one software command.
(graphics utility)
Reston Publishing Co.
1l480 Sunset Hills Rd.
Reston, VA 22090
(703) 437-8900
16K -- cartridge
Anyone can become a director with this innovative new tool. You devise the action, set the scene, create the actors and play back the computer "movie." Use your imagination and your ATARI to make professional-looking animation.
(game controller)
TG Products
1104 Summit Ave., Ste. 110
Piano, TX 75074
(212) 424-8568
The first joystick designed and contoured to fit comfortably in the palm of the hand, the Enjoystick is also ambidextrous. It has a fire button on one side for use by right-handers and a switch for left- handed players. Another special feature it has is a self-centering control stick to prevent "joystick fatigue."
(expansion board and utility)
Prairie Physics
P.0. Box 2369
Wichita, KS 67201
(316) 744-3650
Expand your RAM and extend commands on your BASIC or assembler cartridge with this hardware/software combination. Add 4K bytes of RAM including the unused "$C000" space with the board. The software disk enhances the languages by adding ten new direct-mode commands, including an instant number base conversion and machine language monitor.
(adventure game)
Infocom, Inc.
55 Wheeler St.
Cambridge, MA 02138
(617) 432-1031
48K - diskette
The first in the new Infocom "Tales of Adventure Series", this prose adventure challenges you to find the buried entrance to the last great pyramid. Written by the author of Suspended, the game also features INTERLOGIC, a system that enables you to use complete sentences instead of the standard two-word commands.
(simulation game)
P.O. Box 3558
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
(919) 493-8536
48K -- diskette
Turn your home into a Las Vegas casino with this realistic blackjack simulation. Learn to win -- and win big - with this game written by Ken Uston, professional player and big winner. This program will teach you the techniques that won Uston $5 million!
(strategy game)
Dolphin Microware
410 Stanford Avenue
Palo Alto, CA 94306
(415) 321-6333
16K -- cassette
32K -- diskette
If you are not perfectly delighted with this intense and exciting strategy game, the manufacturer will refund all your money within 10 days of purchase. The object of the game is to connect your areas of color to gain power and prevent your opponent from doing the same. You can play against the computer or another person in four modes.

(simulation game)
Strategic Simulatiuns, Inc.
883 Stierlin Road, Bldg. A-200
Mountain View, CA 94043-1983
(415) 964-1353
48K - cassette and diskette
Here is a strategy war game that combines realism with speed. Combat Leader is historically accurate, contains realistic scenes of war from WWII to the 1980's, yet has all the challenging options of an exciting arcade game. The game has a scrolling battlefield on which you may direct over 70 tanks as the company commander.

(printer buffer)
Advanced Interface Devices, Inc.
P.O. Box 2188
Melbourne, FL 32091
(305) 676-1275
Reduce your printing time with this buffered programmable (4K) printer interface. It is compatible with the Atari 850 Interface and dumps program listings and text tiles within a few seconds. Advanced printing applications such as graphics characters are also possible and a special utility disk is available.

(power backup)
Cuesta Systems, Inc.
3440 Roberto Court
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
(805) 541-4160
$395.00 -- 90 watt
$695.00 -- 200 watt
Don't let interference or power outages destroy all your programming efforts. This battery-powered backup unit is available in 90 watt and 200 watt capacities. Both versions utilize a precision frequency standard and provide overvoltage suppression and EMI noise filtering.

(arcade game)
28611 Canwood St.
Agoura, CA 91301
(213) 992-6540
16K - cassette and diskette
Here is the first game in this company's Funarcade series for the ATARI. You must rush to stake out as much space for yourself as possible before time runs out. Watch out for the defender-droids and the Hyperspace traps. You may choose COAST or DIRECT moves and BEGINNER or EXPERT modes.