image on our cover is a computer-generated representation of a Ballblazer
game in progress. Lucasfilm model builders created and photographed
an imaginary set. The photo was then digitized by Russell Brown,
a graphic designer for Atari's International Division, using the Via Video
picture processing system. After the image was digitized, Russell
creatively enhanced and altered it for the cover of Antic. Next a
color slide of Russell's image was scanned into the Scitex Response 350
electronic page makeup and color separation system used by Solzer and Hail
of San Francisco. The Scitex system, the most advanced image processing
system available and one of four in the U.S., directly color separated
the image using an Eray Direct Laser Dot plotter. The laser beams
make each pixel stand out with more clarity than any photographic process.
The collaboration of Lucasfihn's design and model-building
team, Russell Brown at Atari, Solzer & Hail's crew and Antic Magazine's
art department created a magazine cover unlike any other, and paves the
way for graphic design using computers in the future.
To find out more about Via Video, Inc., call (408) 980-8009;
Solzer and Hail call (415) 495-8440.
All rights to
Ballblazer and
Rescue on Fractalus
concepts and art owned by Lucasfilm, Ltd.