A.N.A.L.O.G. Issue 67 - December 1988
- DungeonLords The DungeonLords world is filled with danger and intrigue. Can you battle your way past all the dangerous creatures and rescue the captives? by Brian Bradley
- BASIC to Binary A handy utility thatll let You convert BASIC programs into binary load files that can be loaded directly from DOS. by Matthew Arrinpton
- Master Memory Map, Part V The most complete Atari 8-bit memory map ever published in a magazine continues. by Robin Sherer
- Action! Graphics Toolkit Action! programmers rejoice! Heres a set of graphics routines to make your favorite language even more powerful. by Monty McCarty
- D:CHECK in Action! To help you type Action! programs more accurately, heres a reprint of our checksum program for Action! listings. by Steven Yates
- Panak Stikes This month Steve takes a look at Video Title Shop Graphics Companion II (Datasoft), Sons of Liberty (SSI) and Napoleon in Russia (Datasoft). by Steve Panak
- Database DELPHI by Michael A. Banks
- Game Design Workshop by Craig Patchett
- End User by Arthur Leyenberger
- Editorial by Clayton Walnum
- Reader Comment Kudus for the doctor by Jim Cox
- Reader Comment A letter for Logo and Pilot users by Craig Rothfuss
- 8-Bit News MIDI file standard accepted
- 8-Bit News Panelologists unite!
- 8-Bit News Printing in color
- 8-Bit News GEO meets with Atari
- 8-Bit News RAMdisk protection
- 8-Bit News Icon Conversion utility
- 8-Bit News New NERDS
- 8-Bit News Newfangled joystick
- 8-Bit News Full-featured bulletin-board system
- ST Notes
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