'N' TRicks
8-Bit Virus? From AC's "Moonlight Workshop" columnist Jeff McWilliams comes a report of a crude "Trojan Horse" type virus from-of all places-the SpartaDOS Utilities section of the ICD BBS. The file is called SUPER.ARC. Upon downloading and UNARCing, if you follow the instructions in the .DOC file by typing -SUPER, this little nastie executes a batch file which proceeds to erase all the files on your boot drive that have commonly used extenders such as .TXT, .COM, .DOC, .EXE, .BAS, .OBJ, etc. This could be especially devastating to hard drive users. If you have this thing, GET RID OF IT! Hopefully, ICD will have removed it by the time you read this.
Dot's Perfect NLQ upgrade kit by Dresselhaus has been reduced from $79.95 to $64.00 and is available directly from Epson for Epson's older MX-, JX-, FX-, and RX- series 9-pin dot-matrix printers. Those old Epsons were more ruggedly built than today's models, so Dots Perfect is a good way to obtain NLQ print quality at less than half the cost of a new printer. The basic kit consists of a plug-in 3-chip set (8Kx8 SRAM, 27256 EPROM, 82123 TTL timer), a professional 30-page manual, warranty card and a sticker to place on the front of the printer showing enhanced menu operation. So refreshing, to see a company that continues to support its discontinued products!
ESCALPAINT compatible with ComputerEyes? Yup. You can use EscalPaint to load in GRAPHICS 9 pictures such as you get with ComputerEyes. Turn off the luminance and colorize your picture, then save it as an EscalPaint file.
Another AtariWriter-80 bug: while in Edit mode (composing text), if you inadvertently strike CONTROL and A at the same time (it's easy to do), the AT-80 cursor will fly to the left side of the screen. If you don't notice it right away and continue typing, your text begins afresh from the left side of the screen even though you may have been in the middle of the screen at the time of the erroneous keypress. The previously typed text gets pushed to the right, and you end up with a scrambled line.