With the arrival of the second disk issue we have a potpourri of programs for you. As usual, included on the disk are all the type-in programs from our April '93 issue as well as this issue. We also have some great programs that would be too difficult to type in from a listing in the magazine. The following is a list of the disk contents:
Side A
ENVELOPE.BAS - A tokenized version of Ron Fetzer's envelope printing program (JUNE '93)
SKELETON.BAS - A tokenized version of the outline for Ron Fetzer's envelope printing program (JUNE '93)
T.COM & TYPETALK.COM - Louis Marcotte's M/LType 'n' Talk programs (APRIL'93)
BLINKY.BIN - A M/L memory game by James Stage Jr.
JAILBRAK.BIN - A M/L game for 2 to 4 players by James Stage Jr.
TEASER.BIN - A M/L strategy game by James Stage Jr.
PUZZLER.BIN - A M/L picture puzzler by James Stage Jr.
FORMDOS1.OBJ and FORMDOS2.OBJ - An automatic DOS 2.5 formatter that also writes DOS.SYS, DUP.SYS and RAMDISK.COM, courtesy of the OHAUG disk library.
FORMDOS.DOC - Documentation for FORMDOS1 and FORMDOS2
RD.COM & RDF.COM - A Shareware RAMdisk utility for SpartaDOS 3.2d. Made available to to AC subscribers at a reduced shareware fee by special arrangement with PSI Labs. One of the most powerful and compatible RAMdisk utilities we've seen for Sparta users. It even works with AtanWriter-80!
RDDOC.TXT - Documentation for RD.COM & RDF.COM (includes description of special shareware deal for AC subscribers).
Side B
BBSLIST.TXT - An updated listing of Atari BBS's, courtesy of AC's Telecommunications Editor, Lawrence Estep.
UGLIST.TXT - A listing of known Atari user groups, from Lawrence Estep.
VORTEX.BIN - An animated page flipping demo by AC's Graphics & Entertainment Software Editor, Jeff Potter.
SOLCARD.BAS - A solitaire card game, courtesy of the BaPAUG disk library.
Both disk sides feature the FULmenu from SLCC, a File and Utility Loader menu that works as a mini-DOS.
Following are the instructions and scoring for the four M/L games by James Stage Jr. These games will load fine from the AC Disk menu, but be aware that if you copy any of the games to your own system disk you'll have to boot up your machine in BASIC and do a binary load from DOS to run them. They won't run without BASIC.
BLINKY is a memory game written in machine language and designed for up to four players. To select the number of players simply press #1 to #4 on the keyboard. To win the game, you have to mimic the sequence of bulbs BLINKY lights up by pressing the corresponding number next to the bulb. The better you do, the longer the sequence. Once you make a mistake the game is over. Scoring: -> 10 points for each correct bulb lit.
JAILBREAK is a machine language game for two to four players. To inititate play, press the ESCape key to roll the dice. Then press the SPACEBAR to stop the roll and press the number of the dice you wish to save and roll again. You have up to three rolls each turn. Beware of the guards and dogs because they'll stop you dead in your tracks if they can.
Scoring: -> 3 of a kind =1 space
5 of a kind = 2 spaces
6 of a kind = 3 spaces
3 guards or dogs = back 1 space
5 guards or dogs = back 2 spaces
6 guards or dogs = back 3 spaces
TEASER is a machine language strategy game in which you try to remove as many pegs as possible from the board. You remove pegs by jumping them. You move the pegs by typing in the letter you are at and then typing in the letter of the space you wish to move to. Illegal moves aren't allowed. If the move is legal, the peg will move, and the peg you jumped will disappear. When you've made as many moves as possible, press RETURN and your category will be noted with a diamond.
PUZZLER is a machine language game with 10 puzzles to choose from. After the puzzle has loaded you'll notice the finished puzzle at the bottom of the screen. On the top of the screen is the scrambled puzzle. There will be a space in the bottom right corner of the puzzle so you can move the puzzle pieces. The square originally surrounding the space is moved by using the arrow keys. To move a piece, move the square so that it's surrounding the piece you wish to move. Press the SPACEBAR and the piece will turn pink. Move the square over the top of the pink space and press the SPACEBAR again. The piece will change places with the space and the piece will return to its natural color.
When you feel you've completed the puzzle, press RETURN. One of two messages will appear. If it says "NOT YET" there's at least one piece out of place. Check the puzzle again carefully. If it says "GREAT" there will be a short pause so that you can admire your masterpiece. After this pause it will return to the select screen. You can return to the select screen any time by pressing the ESCape key.
I'd like to thank all the authors and user groups for their contributions. And a special thanks to Bill Bykens, Guy Ferrante and ZTM Software for their help and support.
Attention usergroups: ACis interested in distributing the best usergenerated software on our Software Disk. If your usergroup library contains a real software gem that you would like to share with the rest of the 8-bit community, please send it to us for evaluation. We have a hunch there are some truly terrific programs out there, buried in the archives of usergroup libraries where they have lain neglected for gosh-knows how long. Perhaps you could search your library and select one or two of your finest, most professional programs. No more than two programs per disk, please!