Welcome to the first installment of a new feature of AC. "Treasure Chest" will highlight some of the classic files available in the file libraries on CompuServe, Delphi, and GEnie, and some of the best new uploads as well. This month we'll focus on some great holiday-oriented files in the first of two parts that will let your 8-bit take part in trick-or-treating fun, play a vital role in your Thanksgiving dinner (if things get desparate and you must dish up the CPU, be sure to use extra gravy!!!), spread some yuletide greetings, and count down to the New Year. I hope you'll enjoy this feature, and I look forward to hearing your comments and suggestions of what we might help others find in the online "Treasure Chest"!
Halloween Classic: A "Joey Latimer Classic" from the pages of Family Computing magazine. This is a really spooky haunted house in BASIC! Size: 3968 bytes, CIS Library 4: HALCLS.BAS; GEnie Library 7, #5561: HALLCLAS.BAS.
Pumpkin: A great jack-o'-lantern without the mess in BASIC. CIS Library 4: PUMKIN.BAS; GEnie Library 7, #5541: PUMPKN.BAS.
Cornucopia/Turkey: Two very impressive short BASIC graphics to display on Thanksgiving Day by Joey Latimer of Family Computing magazine. Size: 1920 bytes each. CIS Library 4: CORNCP.BAS, TURKEYBAS.
Many other Halloween and Thanksgiving files can be found by searching the keyword "HALLOWEEN" or "THANKSGIVING" in any of the network libraries.