Compute! Issue 10 - March 1981
- A Vocal Hex Dump for the KIM-1 by William C. Clements, Jr.
Compute! Issue 25 - June 1982
- A Self-Modifying P/M Graphics Utility by Kenneth Grace Jr.
Compute! Issue 37 - June 1983
- The Hawkmen of Dindrin by Esteban V. Aguilar, Jr., Charles Brannon
Compute! Issue 41 - October 1983
- USR Sort by Walter D. Thompson, Jr.
Compute! Issue 47 - April 1984
- Securities Analysis by Fred Schobert, Jr.
Compute! Issue 49 - June 1984
- Olympiad by Kevin Woram, Mike Buhidar, Jr.
Compute! Issue 64 - September 1985
- Reviews Below the Root by Nick Piazza Jr.
Compute! Issue 68 - January 1986
- IBM Advanced Function Key Techniques by Peter F. Nicholson Jr.
Compute! Issue 71 - April 1986
- DeluxePaint for Amiga by Lee Noel Jr.
Compute! Issue 95 - April 1988
- States and Capitals by Elmer Larsen, M.D. Perry Jr.
Compute! Issue 135 - November 1991
- The new renaissance: the computer in fine art (computer graphics art) by Lee Noel Jr.
Compute! Issue 144 - September 1992
- Test lab (paint and draw programs for computers) (Software Review) (Evaluation) by David English, Tony Roberts, Charles Idol, Steven Anzovin, Lee Noel Jr., Mark Minasi, William D. Harrel, Robert Bixby
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