Compute! Issue 66 - November 1985
- Amiga's Amazing Graphics
- An Overview of Telecommunications Software
- Puzzler (multiple computers)
- Skyscape (multiple computers)
- Telecomputing Today: Faster Than a Speeding Byte
- INSIGHT: Atari - Deactivating BASIC
- IBM Personal Computing: A Promise of Things To Come
- C64 3D Animated Graphics
- IBM Graphics on a Monochrome Monitor
- Commodore Dynamic Keyboard Part 2 by Jim Butterfield
- Simple Assembling with IBM DEBUG
- Save-with-Replace: Debugged at Last Part 2
- Atari REMover
- Plus/Term for Commodore 1660 Modem
- Atari Animation with P/M Graphics Part 3
- A Better Way to POKE on the C64
- Adding TIME$ to Atari
- Apple Program Protector
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