Compute! Issue 75 - August 1986
- Report from the Summer Consumer Electronics Show by Selby Bateman
- 16-Bit Explosion!: New Products for the Atari ST and Amiga by Tom R. Halfhill
- Tightrope by Daniel Aven
- Softball Statistics for Atari ST by Roger Felton
- Toshiba P321 Printer by Tim Victor
- Murder on the Mississippi for Commodore and Apple by Kathy Yakal
- Three Fantasy Games for Commodore and Apple by James V. Trunzo
- Brattacus by Charles Brannon
- The Editor's Notes by Robert Lock
- Readers' Feedback by Editors And Readers Of Compute!
- The World Inside the Computer Do-It-Yourself Movies on the Apple by Fred D'Ignazio
- Computers and Society Speak Softly and Carry a Big RAM by David D. Thornburg
- The Beginner's Page Advanced String Features by Tom R. Halfhill
- Telecomputing Today This Fido's No Dog by Arlan R. Levitan
- INSIGHT: Atari DOS 2.5 RAM disk by Bill Wilkinson
- IBM Personal Computing WW II and KQ III by Donald B. Trivette
- AmigaView A New Operating System by Charles Brannon
- INSIGHT: ST GEM Quirks by Bill Wilkinson
- Programming the TI An Amortization Schedule by C. Regena
- Sprite 32 for Commodore 64 by Jeremy Zullo
- MODified Shapes for Atari ST by Robert G. Geiger
- Batch Files with IBM BASIC by Lawrence H. Bannister
- Guardian Angel for Apple DOS 3.3 by Boris Troyanovsky
- Directory Plus for Commodore by Thomas C. Carlson
- The Logical Alternative: True-False Logic in Atari BASIC by Ronald R. Lambert
- Commodore SpeedScript to BASIC by Frank Colosimo, Mike Kozakiewicz
- Apple ProDOS Protector by Jason Coleman
- Commodore 128 Machine Language, Part 1 by Jim Butterfield
- Foolproof Input for Amiga BASIC by Tom Bunker
- The Screen Machine II, Part 2 by Charles Brannon
- 64 Uncruncher by Larry Dinwiddie
- Capute! Corrections to Atari Sound Development System, Minding IBM Memory, Hex War For Amiga
- News & Products Penguin Software Announces Price Drop, The Novel Approach: Lord of the Flies, Baseball And Bridge For Apple, Snooper Troops, Firebird Licensees, Disk Library, Diablo, Turbo-Amiga, Mean 18: Ultimate Golf, Video Vegas, Okimate 20, Midiplay, PrintMaster, Stickybear Math 2, Casio MT-55 and MT-88
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