Compute! Issue 85 - June 1987
- A Beginner's Guide to Programming Languages by Tom R. Halfhill
- A Beginner's Guide to BASIC by Todd Heimarck
- A Beginner's Guide to Machine Language by Richard Mansfield
- A Beginner's Guide to C by Philip I. Nelson
- A Beginner's Guide to Forth by Rhett Anderson
- A Beginner's Guide to Pascal by Tony Roberts
- A Beginner's Guide to Modula-2 by Tim Midkiff
- Laser Chess (tm) by Mike Duppong
- Super Hi-Res Graphics and Sound on the Apple IIGS by William B. Sanders
- Murder Party by Neil Randall
- Gridiron by Ervin Bobo
- Destroyer by Scott Thomas
- Defender of the Crown for Amiga by Neil Randall
- Championship Golf by Neil Randall
- The Editor's Notes by Richard Mansfield
- Readers' Feedback by Editors And Readers Of Compute!
- Computers and Society A Nation of Thieves--Responses to Readers by David D. Thornburg
- Telecomputing Today Lapping It Up by Arlan R. Levitan
- Microscope by Sheldon Leemon
- The World Inside the Computer Instant Images on Your Apple Computer by Fred D'Ignazio
- ST Outlook Journey from the Center of the ST--Part I by Philip I. Nelson
- INSIGHT: Atari The Protection Racket by Bill Wilkinson
- The Beginner's Page Arithmetic in BASIC by C. Regena
- AmigaView Desktop Video by Sheldon Leemon
- IBM Personal Computing A Bit of BASIC by Donald B. Trivette
- 64 RAMdisk by Hubert Cross
- Printing Special Characters by George Vogel
- Amiga Disk-Based Fonts by Daniel L. Stockton
- Atari NoDOS by Emmanuel Gendrano
- Fast Fractal Landscapes for IBM by Paul W. Carlson
- Atari XL/XE Super Editor by Rhett Anderson
- Resave by Amy Galtman
- Full-Screen Editor for Applesoft by Alex Wong
- RAMtest 128 by Jim Butterfield
- ML Runner by Paul Lindner
- Car Payments by Brian Flynn
- College Planner by Brian Flynn
- GraphiDemo for Amiga by Stefan Lindahl
- Font Loader for Apple ImageWriter by Ed Thompson
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