Compute! Issue 91 - December 1987
- Out to Change the World: A Conversation with John Sculley by Keith Ferrell, Selby Bateman
- In-House Experts by Keith Ferrell
- IBM's Newest Entry: The Personal System/2 by Dennis L. Foster
- Leaping Larry by Michael Streeter
- Deluxe Video 1.2 for the Amiga by Larry White
- The Easy Working Series by Carol S. Holzberg
- Borodino: 1812, Napoleon in Russia by James Maki
- Word Perfect for the Amiga by Neil Randall
- Chuck Yeager's Advanced Flight Trainer by Ervin Bobo
- The Editor's Notes by Richard Mansfield
- Readers' Feedback by Editors And Readers Of Compute!
- Microscope by Sheldon Leemon
- The World Inside the Computer Black Boxes and Best Friends by Fred D'Ignazio
- The Beginner's Page Monthly Payments by C. Regena
- Telecomputing Today Christmas at the Phone Company by Arlan R. Levitan
- INSIGHT: Atari Crosswords and Home Computers by Bill Wilkinson
- AmigaView On the Cutting Edge by Sheldon Leemon
- ST Outlook BASIC File Dumper by Philip I. Nelson
- IBM Personal Computing All Sass Sal by Donald B. Trivette
- Computers and Society Computer Users as Programmers--The Next Wave by David D. Thornburg
- SuperCount by Ben Halverson
- Mystery Mania by David Leithauser
- Blipper by Patrick Parrish
- Atari Trace by Normal Lin
- Machine Language Routines for the Commodore 64 and 128 by Todd Heimarck, Patrick Parrish
- The Elementary Amiga, Part 1 by Jim Butterfield
- Atari Persistent Ramdisk by Robert Berry
- Total Disk Menu by Scott Rickman
- Karma for the Amiga by Todd Heimarck, Rhett Anderson
- GET and PUT Graphics for Atari by Bernard Cozier
- Apple Kaleidoscope by Danny Faught
- MLX: Machine Language Entry Program for Apple
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