Real Estate Analyzer
A new edition of the "REAL ESTATE ANALYZER by HowardSoft" is now available for Apple Computers. This software package is unique in its realistic handling of TODAY'S market conditions for real estate investments: creative financing, negative cash flows, component depreciation, high property inflation, rent control, property tax limitations, high returns on near-term income, and inflationary increases in operating expenses.
The software provides projections of annual cash flows and on-sale return-on-investment, as well as several other measures of profitability, including all the consequences of ordinary and capital gains taxes as well as inflation. Data for your properties are easily filed on disk for later retrieval and alteration. Results are displayed on the video screen or printed with a line printer in a flexible report format with complete itemized tables. The package comes with two disks and a detailed instruction manual in a quality notebook, complete with explanations of the principles of investment analysis. More complete and realistic than packages costing many times more, this product sells for $99 at dealers everywhere. (Requires Apple Computer with 48K, Applesoft ROM, and disk drive.) HOWARD SOFTWARE SERVICES, 7722 Hosford Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90045, (213) 645-4069.