Atari Memory Boards
Microtek Peripherals Corporation has announced the release of two memory boards for the ATARI 400/800 computers. The AT-16, a 16k 200ns board, and the AT-32, a 32k 200ns board are designed to be completely compatible with all existing hardware and software, and are user-installable with no modifications. Both products carry MICROTEK'S standard one year warranty. Retail pricing is $119.50 on the AT-16 and $199.50 on the AT-32.
Additional products currently available include cables and board extenders. MICROTEK PERIPHERALS plans to introduce a number of ATARI peripherals in the coming months.
For further information contact:
9514 Chesapeake Drive,
San Diego, CA 92123.
800-854-1081 (in CA 714-278-0630)