Tandy to Lotus: Come Home
Tandy's DeskMate graphics interface received a major endorsement in August with the announcement of the Lotus Spreadsheet for DeskMate, developed jointly by Lotus and Tandy.
The spreadsheet, scheduled to be available in the fourth quarter of 1989, combines features from Lotus 1-2-3 release 2.01 with the Tandy DeskMate environment. Lotus for DeskMate requires 512K of memory and DOS 3.2 or higher, and it offers worksheets of 256 columns × 8192 rows. The program supports the .WK1 file formal and is compatible with other Lotus spreadsheet products.
Lotus for DeskMate will be distributed through Tandy's 7000 Radio Shack stores at a suggested retail price of $219.95. A runtime version of DeskMate's graphics interface is included with the spreadsheet.