Hyundai Expands AT Line
Hyundai's Super-286E extends its line of AT computers. This small-footprint computer is 8/12-MHz switchable, with 640K of RAM (expandable to one megabyte). Features include two 8-bit and four 16-bit expansion slots, one serial and one parallel port, a built-in floppy drive controller and clock/calendar, and a 101-key, click-type keyboard. MS-DOS version 3.3, GW-BASIC, and a system diagnostic disk are also included. The Super-286E supports CGA, EGA, and VGA color graphics.
The suggested retail price for the Super-286E with a single 1.2MB floppy drive is $1,295. The addition of a 30MB hard drive brings the price to $1,845; a 40MB hard drive, to $2,045. It's covered by Hyundai's 18-month warranty; the company's S.O.S. onsite service plan is also available.
Hyundai Electronics America, 166 Bay-pointe Pkwy., San Jose, CA 95134
Circle Reader Service Number 202.