Video Digitizer
MFJ Enterprises has released the MFJ-1292 Picture Perfect Video Digitizer for IBM PCs and compatibles. The MFJ-1292 plug-in card and software allows you to connect a camcorder or video camera to your computer and instantly capture digitized video snapshots on floppy or hard disks. The digitized video snapshots can be displayed onscreen or imported into a paint or drawing program.
The software allows you to create pictures in VGA, EGA, CGA, Hercules, or raw data formats. The resolution of the pictures depends on your graphics card; VGA comes the closest to photographic quality.
The complete package includes a contrast-and-brightness control unit that can be placed near the keyboard for fine-tuning your pictures.
The MFJ-1292 Picture Perfect Video Digitizer's retail price is $199.95.
MFJ Enterprises, P.O. Box 494, Mississippi State, MS 39762
Circle Reader Service Number 211.