Traveling with Your B.O.S.S.
If you have Casio's B.O.S.S. (Business Organizer Scheduling System) and a PC-Link to connect it to a PC, you can take advantage of two software packages for business travelers. The OAG Travel Planner lets you download (from a PC to the B.O.S.S.) information about the 25 U.S. cities most frequented by business travelers. Information about hotels, restaurants, airline reservations, and car rentals is as close as your B.O.S.S.; and you get addresses, phone numbers, locations, and price ranges—even star ratings and cuisine types for the restaurants.
International business travelers will appreciate Barron's Business and Travel Translator—a guide of words and phrases not normally found in general-purpose translators. Choose from over 1600 terms in French, German, Italian, and Spanish. Pick phrases or choose from ten categories: chemicals, tableware, electronics, fashion, steel, leather, motor vehicles, pharmaceuticals, printing, and winemaking.
Download only what you need for each trip, creating a custom travel database. Each package of software retails for $22.95.
Casio, 570 Mt. Pleasant Ave., P.O. Box 7000, Dover, NJ 07801
Reader Service Number 357.