Dump Atari Windows To Printer
In his article, "Copy Atari Graphics To Your Printer" (COMPUTE!, June 1982), Mr. Straw offers several subroutines which will copy various graphics modes to the printer. How can the text windows of these modes also be sent to a printer?
K. Gottlieb
10 OPEN #4, 9, 0, "E:" : DIM LL$ (40) : GRAPH ICS 5 31000 OPEN #1, 8,0, "P : " 31010 FOR Y = 0 TO 39 31020 FOR X = 0 TO 79 31030 LOCATE X,Y,Z 31040 IF Z = 0 THEN PUT #1,32 : GOTO 310800 31050 IF Z = 1 THEN PUT #1,42 : GOTO 310800 31060 IF Z = 2 THEN PUT #1,43 : GOTO 31080 31070 PUT #1,111 31080 IF X = 79 THEN ? #1 31090 NEXT X 31100 POKE 656, 0: POKE 657, O 31120 FOR Y = 0 TO 3:INPUT #4,LL$:? #1; LL$ : NEXT Y LL $ : NEXT Y 31130 CLOSE #1 : RETUREN
This modification to Mr. Straw's screen dump routine copies the text window (as well as the graphics screen) to the printer. Because LPRINT cannot reliably be used to send single characters, file # 1 is opened to the printer (line 31000), and PUT is used to send the bytes. In order for the text-window "dump" to work, file #4 must have been previously OPENed before the subroutine is called. The OPEN statement should come before the GRAPHICS statement. LL$ should also be dimensioned (see line 10).