A temperature measuring and control system is now available as a peripheral to the Apple II computer.
The device accurately measures temperatures between -60 and + 105 degrees Celsius. Changes of temperature as small as 1/100th of a degree may be detected. The system, produced by American Data Cable, uses a hand-held probe the size of a marking pen and attaches to the Apple II computer by a 6-foot cable. The system software is on a DOS 3.3-compatible, 5.25-inch diskette.
The system, called the Nth Degree, displays temperature readings in either Celsius, Farenheit or Kelvin. An optional program displays or can print out a continuous record of temperature changes in a "strip chart" format.

The Nth Degree digital temperature probe for Apple II.
Accuracies of .01 degree may be obtained, and the probe can be re-calibrated for maximum accuracy over any temperature range. In addition, the system may be programmed for alarms and set points.
The probe can measure reaction rates and temperatures of reactants, and can monitor heating and cooling apparatus. The disk accepts up to 16 years' worth of temperature readings (taken one time an hour) or can store continuous samplings of temperatures taken once a second for 36 hours.
As many as 256 probes may be attached to one system. Temperature readings are made simply by placing the lightweight probe against the surface to be measured. When not in contact with a specific material, the probe measures the temperature of the air.
The model 551A probe with software, Apple II interface adapter and user's manual sells for $129.
American Data Cable, Inc.
2864 Ray Lawyer Dr., No. 205-352
Placerville, CA 95667
(916) 622-3465