Timex/Sinclair Selections
D. Lipinski Software has introduced a group of programs for the 16K Timex/Sinclair computers. All programs are self-expanding to fit any memory configuration and are available on cassette for $10.
- Tutor is a quiz-making program that enables you to tailor tests for each student.
- List is a data entry and retrieval program for up to four categories of information.
- Check is a checkbook program for 200-400 transactions. It includes several print options and allows correction of entry errors.
- Inex is an income and expense sheet that can keep track of more than 99 separate accounts.
- Stock keeps track of your stock portfolio and allows complete listings to screen or printer.
- Inven is an inventory accounting program for quantity purchased, sold, balance on hand, cost, replacement costs, and accrued values.
D. Lipinski Software
2737 Susquehanna Road
Roslyn, PA 19001