Extra Functions For SuperBASIC 64
The "SuperBASIC 64" program (COMPUTE!, December 1983) is very interesting and helpful. One of its good features is the clarity with which it is laid out. This makes it easy to write and test modifications.
Two sample modifications are given below. To use them, simply LOAD and RUN SuperBASIC 64, then enter and RUN the modification as a normal BASIC program.
The first program creates a new function, [SCRN. [SCRN sets the background, border, and text colors in one operation. For example, [SCRN12,11,1 sets up a light gray background, dark gray border, and white letters.
1 REM CREATE [SCRN FUNCTION 10 FORI=0TO9:READA:POKE52168+I,A:NEXT 20 DATA32,57,195,32,66,195,32,218,197,96 30 FORJ=0TO5:READA:POKE49892+J,A:NEXT 40 DATA83,67,82,78,199,203
The second program modifies the [DRAW command, allowing it to either draw or erase lines. In its new version, [DRAW must be followed by either 1 or 0. [DRAWl,xl,yl,x2,y2 will draw a line from xl,yl to x2,y2. [DRAW0,xl,yl,x2,y2 will erase the line between those coordinates.
1 REM MODIFY [DRAW TO ALLOW ERASURE10 FORI=0TO32:READA:P0KE52128+I,A:NEXT 20 DATA32,0,192,165,20,141,174,203, 32 30 DATA0,192,76,101, 199,0,32,14,198,174 40 DATA174,203,240,3,76,132,200,73,255 50 DATA49,251,76,134,200 60 J=51042sK=51329 70 POKEJ, 76:POKEJ+1,160:POKEJ+2, 203 80 POKEK,76:POKEK+1,175:POKEK+2, 203
Charles Tyson