Educational Games On Disk
Unicorn Software has produced four educational games available on disk for the Atari, Commodore 64, IBM PC, and Apple computers.
Ten Little Robots is composed of five learning games that introduce children, from ages two to seven, to the computer. They include Little Robot Story, an interactive nursery tale that presents the concept of subtraction and aids in reading preparation; Robot Letter Match, which teaches upper- and lowercase letters; Count The Robots; Robot Addition; and Robot Sketch.
Ships Ahoy is a series of four games for children from 5 through 13 years of age. These four games include Ships Ahoy and Mine Sweeper, two math skills programs; Treasure Hunt, a maze game included as a reward; and Sailing Sketch, a screen painting program.
Race Car' Rithmetic, for those five years old to adult, is a math game designed for the entire family to play together. An action race game is included as a reward.
Funbunch is a language arts program available on three levels—Elementary (grades 1–6), Intermediate (junior high school), and College Prep (high school to adult). Each level includes over 2000 words and phrases with which to work.
The four games sell for $39.95 each.
Unicorn Software
Liberace Plaza, Suite 8
1775 East Tropicana Avenue
Las Vegas, NV 89109
(702) 798-2727