The Editors and Readers of COMPUTE!
ML Disk Routine
I need a machine language routine that opens, writes, and properly closes a disk file on a Commodore disk drive.
Rick Elwell
Since we're asked this type of question often, here's a short example that writes a 20-character sequential file to disk, and works with any Commodore computer and disk drive except the 128 in CP/M mode. You'll need a machine language assembler to enter this program. The explanatory comments after the semicolons are, of course, optional:
LDA #3 ;Set file number,
TAY ;secondary address
LDX #8 ;and device number,
JSR $FFBA ;call SETLFS routine.
LDA #10 ;Set filename length,
LDX #<NAME ;low byte of filename
LDY #>NAME ;and its high byte,
JSR $FFBD ;call SETNAM routine.
JSR $FFC0 ;Call OPEN routine.
LDX #3 ;Set file number,
JSR $FFC9 ;call CHKOUT routine.
LDX #0 ;X is a counter.
WRITE LDA CHARS,X ;Get a byte,
CMP #255 ;look for end marker,
BEQ EXIT ;quit when found.
JSR $FFD2 ;Call CHROUT routine,
INX ;bump counter,
JMP WRITE ;write entire text.
EXIT LDA #3 ;Set file number,
JSR $FFC3 ;call CLOSE routine.
JSR $FFCC ;Call CLRCHN routine.
.BYT 255
Though there are other ways to get the job done, it's usually simplest and most reliable to use the computer's built in routines. The SETLFS routine ($FFBA) sets the logical file number, device number, and secondary address, and SETNAM ($FFBD) sets the filename. The filename prefix 0: designates drive 0 and the suffix ,S,W designates a sequential file opened for writing. Different suffixes are used for other operations for instance, the suffix ,S,R would prepare the program to read this file.
After OPEN ($FFC0) opens the file, CHKOUT ($FFC9) sets it for output (writing). CHKIN ($FFC6) would be used here if you wanted to set the file for input (reading). The file is written one byte at a time with CHROUT ($FFD2). Use CHRIN ($FFCF) or GETIN ($FFE4) to input bytes when reading a file. After the write is complete, CLOSE ($FFC3) closes the file and CLRCHN ($FFCC) restores the system to normal, reenabling keyboard input and screen output. You should always CLOSE every disk file individually. Don't try to use CLALL ($FFE7) as a shortcut: It may create a poison (unclosed) file on the disk.