Screen Genie
James A. Ledger
Screen Genie
James A. Ledger
This thoughtfully designed utility helps you draw complete screens using character graphics. When you're finished, it writes a complete BASIC routine to recreate the graphics screen. The program runs on any Commodore 64 (or 128 in 64 mode) with either disk or tape.
"Commodore 64 Screen Genie" is both a screen editor and a program generator. With it, you can quickly and easily draw backgrounds for games, colorful title screens, or just pages of instructions. It offers a wealth of editing commands for designing a text or graphics character screen in normal, multicolor, or extended background mode. Then, almost instantly, it can write a BASIC routine to recreate that screen. This new routine is merged with whatever program is in memory. Since Screen Genie takes up no BASIC program space, it can be used with many other utilities such as the DOS Wedge, "TurboDisk," or "MetaBASIC."
Screen Genie is written entirely in machine language, so you'll need to enter it with the MLX machine language entry program found elsewhere in this issue. Follow the MLX instructions closely; here are the addresses you'll need for MLX:
Starting address: 0801
Ending address: 1D10
Built-In Help Screen
Screen Genie loads and runs lake a normal BASIC program. Once you run it, however, the program breaks into several modules which move to various places, leaving the BASIC program space completely free (more on this process later).
The first thing you'll see is a help screen showing all of the Screen Genie commands. Fortunately, you don't have to memorize all the commands shown here. Since the help screen is always available, the only key sequence you need to remember is CTRL-H (hold down CTRL and press H). Selecting any command from the help screen returns you to the work screen and performs that command. Pressing any other key simply returns you to the work screen. Of course, all of the commands are also available directly from the work screen.
The help screen serves another purpose by indicating which modes and cursor functions are selected. For instance, if you select the Paint cursor function by pressing the f3 function key, a white arrow appears next to that option on the help screen.
Once you enter the work screen, almost all of the keys work as they normally do-text and graphics characters can be typed in whatever color you like. However, you may not type a quotation mark, insert a character by pressing SHIFT-INST/DEL, or break out of the program by pressing RUN/ STOP-RESTORE. The delete key (DEL) is not disabled, but works in a slightly different way: It erases the character at the cursor position and moves the cursor one space left, but it doesn't drag any characters on the right with it.
Finally, to prevent the screen from scrolling, you are not allowed to type anything in the bottom right corner. Instead, this space is used to show the current color for the characters you're typing. That's a handy feature, since the cursor itself is no longer a blinking box. Instead, it's a blinking black and white underline.
Immediate Commands
Screen Genie's commands are divided into four groups: immediate commands, cursor functions, screen modes, and color selection. Here is an explanation of the immediate commands:
CTRL-H (Help). Display help screen.
CTRL-T (Top clear). Clear from the top of the screen to the current cursor position.
CTRL-B (Bottom clear). Clear from the bottom of the screen to the current cursor position.
CTRL-M (Move). Move a block of characters from one screen location to another. Before you can move a block, you must first define its upper-left and lower-right corners. Press CTRL-M, then place the cursor on the upper-left corner of the block you want to move, and press RETURN. Move the cursor to the lower right corner of the block, then press RETURN a second time. Now the block is defined. To move it elsewhere on the screen, move the cursor to the place where you want to put the upper-left corner of the new block, then press RETURN. The contents of the new area are replaced by the contents of the defined block (note that the original area is not disturbed). The Move command does not permit you to place the new block in any position that would overlap a screen border; all of the new block must fit inside the screen.
CTRL-Z (Memorize). Memorize the current screen by saving its contents in a memory buffer. A saved screen can be restored with CTRL-O.
CTRL-O (Oops). Swap the current screen with whatever is stored in the buffer. Pressing it again swaps it back. Besides restoring the screen after a manual save (CTRL-Z), this command can also undo any screen clear or move command.
CTRL-P (Program). Write a series of BASIC program lines to recreate the screen you've designed. These lines, beginning with the line number you choose, are merged with whatever BASIC program is in memory, if any. This feature performs a true merge, rather than simply tacking program lines onto the end of the current program. However, it does not replace any existing lines. If the merge operation would replace an existing program line, Screen Genie displays a message and gives you a chance to choose a new beginning line number.
The Program option also lets you add a line to set specific background and border colors. Likewise, if you're in extended background or multicolor mode when you choose this feature, you're given the option of adding lines that perform the setup for the current mode.
Finally, you have the option of adding a program line that waits for the user to press any key. This is useful for multiple pages of instructions, and so forth. Just be sure to include a prompt such as PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE somewhere on the screen. If you choose this option while in extended background or multicolor mode, you may also add a line to turn the mode off after a key is pressed.
The default setting for all Program options is yes. Pressing any key other than Y or RETURN at the prompt selects no. If you have two or more sequential screens that use the same colors or mode, then you need only set these up on the first screen and turn the respective mode off on the last screen.
CTRL-X (Exit to BASIC). This lets you save, load, and edit BASIC programs as usual. Screen Genie is designed so that you can exit to BASIC and later reactivate the utility without disturbing a BASIC program in memory. To reactivate Screen Genie, just type GENIE and press RETURN.
Under ordinary circumstances, pressing RUN/STOP-RESTORE does not disable Screen Genie. If you disable it in some other way, type SYS 50800 and press RETURN to start it up again. When you reenter Screen Genie, the work screen contains whatever was on the screen when you left BASIC: Press CTRL-O immediately to recall what you were working on at the time of your last exit.
Since the GENIE command works in program mode as well as direct mode, you can edit a previously designed screen by inserting the word GENIE just after the last PRINT statement, and then running only that portion of the program that displays the screen. For example, if the routine that recreates your screen uses lines 500-525, then you could add GENIE to the end of line 525 (or the beginning of line 526) and type RUN 500. You'll need to give the new screen a different beginning line number, and then delete the old routine when you exit. (Don't forget to remove the GENIE command from the program when it's finished.)
In addition to ordinary text mode (what you see when you turn on the 64), Screen Genie lets you work in extended background color mode or multicolor mode, or replace the usual character set with a custom-defined character set of your own. Consult the Commodore 64 User's Guide for additional information on how to use these modes.
CTRL-K (Extended background). This mode permits each character to have any of four different background colors, but lets you use only the first 64 characters of the character set.
CTRL-C (Multicolor). Since the ordinary character set looks quite strange in multicolor mode, this mode will most likely require a custom character set. It cannot be used at the same time as extended background mode; selecting one mode turns the other off.
CTRL-U (User-defined characters). Selecting this mode causes the 64 to use a custom character set. Only the uppercase/graphics character set is available in this mode. Before choosing this option, you must store the character definitions in memory beginning at location 61440. Note that this configuration is only needed while you're editing the screen with Screen Genie. Once the screen design is done, and you have generated a BASIC routine to recreate the screen (see the Program option above), you can change your program to use whatever character set and memory locations you want.
Custom character mode demands a little more effort on your part. As in other cases, Screen Genie's Program option generates a complete routine with all of the necessary PEEKs, POKEs, and PRRNNs needed to reproduce the screen. However, it's your job to put the custom character definitions in memory, decide on a location for the screen, and perform the extra POKEs needed to set everything up.
Cursor Functions
This group of options gives you additional control over the drawing cursor. They are selected by pressing one of the odd-numbered function keys. Any or all of these may be turned on at one time; however, if the Draw function (fl) is active, it takes precedence over the other three.
fl (Draw with the cursor). This option lets you draw with any character. There are two ways to select the drawing character. You can either move the cursor to the desired character and press f l, or press f 1 and type the character you want to use. To erase, press the space bar.
f3 (Paint with the cursor). Select a painting color just as you would normally change the cursor color in BASIC. Press CTRL or the Commodore key along with a number key from 1-8.
f5 (Change case with the cursor). This is very useful in extended background mode where a shifted character has a different background color.
f7 (Reverse characters with cursor). This option is also handy in extended background mode, where reversing a character gives it a different background color. When you reverse a space character in normal mode, it has whatever color happens to be stored in color memory-unless the color happens to be the same as the background color, in which case it is changed to the current text color in order to make it visible. You can guarantee the color of reversed spaces by turning on the Paint function at the same time.
Color Control
The even-numbered function keys provide you with complete color control as follows:
f2. Cycle the border color (memory location 53280).
f4. Cycle the normal background color (location 53281).
f6. The menu lets you cycle background color registers one, two, and three (these color registers are used only in extended background or multicolor mode).
f8. Cycle the color of every character that is the same color as the character under the cursor. If you continue to press f8, Screen Genie remembers which characters you started changing and cycles only those characters, rather than switching to new ones each time. As soon as you press any other key, however, these characters are forgotten.
Screen Genie is designed to coexist with other Commodore 64 utilities as peacefully as possible. To minimize memory conflicts, nearly all of its program code and workspace areas reside in the hidden RAM under the 64's BASIC ROM, Kernal ROM, and I/O address space. Even so, some not-so-hidden RAM had to be used. The memory locations from 50800-52223 ($C670-$CBFF) are used for links to the system, interrupt-driven routines, sprite shapes, and screen memory. This still leaves locations 49152-50799 ($C000-$C66F) free for programs such as "TurboDisk," and locations 52224-53247 ($0000-$CFFF) free for programs such as the DOS Wedge. Programs which reside in the upper BASIC program area, such as "MetaBASIC," will not be affected at all.
If you want to use other utilities with this program, install them before you load Screen Genie. There is one minor quirk when using Screen Genie with MetaBASIC. Screen Genie wedges itself in through the BASIC error vector at 768-769, which is reset by some of the commands in MetaBASIC. No harm is done when this occurs-you'll just have to reenter Screen Genie with SYS 50800 rather than the more convenient GENIE command.

The "Screen Genie" screen editor/ program
generator makes it easy to create graphic screens
like this and incorporate them in your own
Commodore 64 BASIC programs.
Screen Genie For Commodore 64
Please refer to the "MLX" article in this issue before entering the following listing.
0801:18 08 0A 00 9E 32 30 37 B5
0809:34 3A 53 43 52 45 45 4E E0
0811:20 47 45 4E 49 45 00 00 EF
0819:00 A9 04 85 0E A9 0D 85 23
0821:0F A9 00 85 10 A9 A0 85 69
0829:11 A2 0F A0 00 88 B1 0E E9
0831:91 10 C0 00 D0 F7 E6 0F 69
0839:E6 11 CA 30 06 D0 EE A0 4F
0841:88 D0 EA A0 80 B9 8B 1C 4F
0849:99 6F C6 88 D0 F7 A0 00 0B
0851:98 99 00 C7 88 D0 FA A9 B7
0859:FF 8D 15 C7 A0 3F 99 40 61
0861:C7 88 10 FA A0 15 A9 C0 96
0869:99 80 C7 88 88 88 10 F8 67
0871:A9 FF 8D 80 C7 8D 83 C7 53
0879:8D D2 C7 8D D5 C7 A0 0F F4
0881:A9 03 99 C0 C7 88 88 88 60
0889:10 F8 78 A9 22 85 01 A9 5C
0891:D0 A0 E0 A2 10 20 EF AA 04
0899:A9 26 85 01 58 20 78 AB A8
08A1:18 20 92 A4 A9 01 20 CF C3
08A9:AA A9 00 AD 11 D0 48 29 D9
08B1:EF 8D 11 D0 A9 09 A2 09 0C
08B9:20 9B A5 38 20 92 A4 68 F5
08C1:85 48 20 C9 AA A9 17 A2 14
08C9:0A 20 9B A5 A9 C8 A0 B8 1F
08D1:A2 04 20 EF AA A9 D8 A0 85
08D9:BC A2 04 20 EF AA A9 E1 D2
08E1:A2 09 20 9B A5 A9 00 8D A4
08E9:01 08 8D 02 08 A9 03 85 C0
08F1:2D 85 2F 85 31 A9 08 85 FD
08F9:2E 85 30 85 32 AD 11 D0 1C
0901:09 10 8D 11 D0 4C 39 A4 2D
0909:93 0D 0D 20 20 1C 12 02 63
0911:08 20 2A 2A 2A 20 57 4F E6
0919:52 4B 2D 53 43 52 45 45 35
0921:4E 20 2A 2A 2A 02 08 20 D3
0929:92 02 05 0D 02 04 20 1E F4
0931:54 4F 20 52 45 2D 45 4E 22
0939:54 45 52 20 41 46 54 45 24
0941:52 20 45 58 49 54 20 54 E2
0949:4F 20 42 41 53 49 43 0D BA
0951:0D 02 04 20 54 59 50 45 DA
0959:20 12 20 47 45 4E 49 45 B3
0961:20 92 20 41 4E 44 20 50 54
0969:52 45 53 53 20 52 45 54 BE
0971:55 52 4E 0D 0D 02 04 20 F5
0979:98 28 20 4F 52 20 12 20 32
0981:53 59 53 20 35 30 38 30 0B
0989:30 20 92 20 29 02 06 0D 7A
0991:02 04 20 81 50 52 45 53 6B
0999:53 20 12 53 48 49 46 54 1D
09A1:2D 43 4C 52 92 20 54 4F D6
09A9:20 43 4C 45 41 52 20 53 61
09B1:43 52 45 45 4E 02 07 0D 8C
09B9:02 04 20 1F 43 55 52 52 2A
09C1:45 4E 54 20 43 4F 4C 4F D5
09C9:52 20 49 4E 44 49 43 41 2A
09D1:54 45 44 20 48 45 52 45 2B
09D9:2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 3E 13 00 CE
09E1:98 13 1D 1D 43 4F 4D 50 BC
09E9:55 54 45 21 1D 50 55 42 8D
09F1:4C 49 43 41 54 49 4F 4E AD
09F9:53 1D 50 52 45 53 45 4E 7C
0A01:54 53 02 04 11 02 08 9D D2
0A09:1D 1D 1D 1D 1D 1D 1D 1D 1D
0A11:1D 1D 1D 1D 1D 00 93 9E 1F
0A19:75 02 26 63 69 62 20 20 98
0A21:75 63 69 75 63 69 B0 63 D2
0A29:69 75 63 69 75 63 69 B2 11
0A31:20 B2 20 20 75 63 69 75 89
0A39:63 69 B2 20 B2 20 B2 75 A2
0A41:63 69 20 20 62 62 20 20 64
0A49:6A 63 69 62 20 20 62 63 68
0A51:6B AB B3 20 AB B3 20 62 4D
0A59:6D 62 20 20 62 63 B2 AB 74
0A61:B3 20 62 6D 62 20 62 AB 7E
0A69:B3 20 20 20 62 62 20 20 62
0A71:6A 60 6B 6A 63 6B B1 20 33
0A79:6D 6A 63 6B 6A 63 6B B1 6B
0A81:20 B1 20 20 6A 63 6B 6A 3A
0A89:63 6B B1 20 B1 20 B1 6A 3E
0A91:63 6B 20 20 62 6A 02 26 1F
0A99:63 6B 99 75 02 12 60 69 47
0AA1:9C 75 02 12 60 69 99 62 01
0AA9:12 43 4F 4D 4D 41 4E 44 A6
0AB1:53 3A 92 20 20 43 54 52 5B
0AB9:4C 20 26 20 62 9C 62 12 1F
0AC1:20 43 55 52 53 4F 52 20 23
0AC9:46 55 4E 43 54 49 4F 4E 09
0AD1:53 20 92 62 99 62 02 12 7C
0AD9:20 62 9C 62 02 12 20 62 4B
0AE1:99 62 48 2D 48 45 4C 50 77
0AE9:20 28 54 48 49 53 20 4D 4C
0AF1:45 4E 55 29 62 9C 62 46 0A
0AF9:31 2D 44 52 41 57 02 0A 15
0801:20 5F 62 99 62 42 2D 43 9E
0B09:4C 45 41 52 20 54 4F 20 F4
0B11:42 4F 54 54 4F 4D 20 62 3E
0B19:9C 62 46 33 2D 50 41 49 88
0B21:4E 54 02 09 20 5F 62 99 21
0B29:62 54 2D 43 4C 45 41 52 AB
0B31:20 54 4F 20 54 4F 50 02 DA
0B39:04 20 62 9C 62 46 35 2D 33
0B41:43 48 41 4E 47 45 20 43 EA
0B49:41 53 45 20 20 20 5F 62 22
0B51:99 62 4D 2D 4D 4F 56 45 E2
0B59:02 0C 20 62 9C 62 46 37 CF
0B61:2D 52 45 56 45 52 53 45 10
0B69:02 07 20 5F 62 99 62 5A D4
0B71:2D 4D 45 4D 4F 52 49 5A 9F
0B79:45 20 53 43 52 45 45 4E 59
0B81:20 62 9C 6A 02 12 60 6B FE
0B89:99 62 4F 2D 4F 4F 50 53 6D
0B91:21 20 28 52 45 53 54 4F D9
0B99:52 45 29 20 62 9A 75 02 BB
0BA1:12 60 69 99 62 50 2D 43 91
0BA9:52 45 41 54 45 20 50 52 45
0BB1:49 4E 54 20 50 47 4D 62 29
0BB9:9A 62 12 02 06 20 43 4F 9E
0BC1:4C 4F 52 02 07 20 92 62 7C
0BC9:99 62 58 2D 45 58 49 54 95
0BD1:20 54 4F 20 42 41 53 49 FF
0BD9:43 20 20 20 62 9A 62 02 E3
0BE1:12 20 62 99 6A 02 12 60 CE
0BE9:6B 9A 62 46 32 2D 42 4F 27
0BF1:52 44 45 52 02 09 20 62 E6
0BF9:96 75 02 12 60 69 9A 62 5A
0C01:46 34 2D 42 41 43 4B 47 08
0C09:52 4F 55 4E 44 02 05 20 02
0C11:62 96 62 12 20 4D 4F 44 86
0C19:45 53 3A 20 92 20 43 54 E1
0C21:52 4C 20 26 20 20 20 62 FF
0C29:9A 62 46 36 2D 42 41 43 8B
0C31:4B 47 4E 44 20 52 45 47 EA
0C39:20 31 2D 33 62 96 62 02 BA
0C41:12 20 62 9A 62 46 38 2D 2A
0C49:43 48 41 52 53 20 4F 46 62
0C51:20 53 41 4D 45 20 20 62 98
0C59:96 62 4B 2D 45 58 54 45 0B
0C61:4E 44 45 44 20 42 41 43 6E
0C69:4B 47 44 5F 62 9A 62 20 D9
0C71:20 20 43 4F 4C 4F 52 20 63
0C79:41 53 20 43 48 41 52 20 4B
0C81:20 62 96 62 43 2D 4D 55 F9
0C89:4C 54 49 43 4F 4C 4F 52 D6
0C91:02 05 20 5F 62 9A 62 20 48
0C99:20 20 4F 56 45 52 20 43 10
0CA1:55 52 53 4F 52 02 04 20 1B
0CA9:62 96 62 55 2D 55 53 45 E4
0CB1:52 20 44 45 46 49 4E 45 11
0CB9:44 20 20 20 5F 62 9A 6A 26
0CC1:02 12 60 6B 96 62 20 20 C0
0CC9:43 48 41 52 20 53 45 54 10
0CD1:20 40 20 36 31 34 34 30 64
0CD9:62 98 20 20 50 52 45 53 F8
0CE1:53 20 41 4E 59 20 4B 45 DF
0CE9:59 0D 96 6A 02 12 60 6B EF
0CF1:98 20 20 46 4F 52 20 57 22
0CF9:4F 52 4B 2D 53 43 52 45 1C
0D01:45 4E 00 AD 86 02 8D 2C AF
0D09:D0 20 C3 A5 24 55 10 19 16
0D11:A0 12 D9 37 AF F0 05 88 82
0D19:10 F8 30 0D 98 0A A8 B9 48
0D21:4A AF 48 C8 B9 4A AF 48 80
0D29:60 C9 94 F0 D6 C9 14 D0 5E
0D31:0A A9 95 A2 AC 20 9B A5 5A
0D39:4C 00 A0 C9 22 F0 C4 C9 52
0D41:93 D0 06 18 20 92 A4 A9 D9
0D49:93 48 20 08 AB 68 86 29 F8
0D51:84 2A E0 18 D0 0C C9 0D 2D
0D59:F0 A9 C9 8D F0 A5 C9 11 2B
0D61:F0 A1 24 0C 50 21 C9 9D D9
0D69:F0 1D C9 1D F0 19 C9 91 5F
0D71:F0 15 C9 11 F0 11 20 AC 4C
0D79:A0 A6 29 A4 2A 18 20 F0 DF
0D81:FF 20 C3 A1 4C 9A A0 20 64
0D89:AC A0 20 08 AB E0 18 D0 88
0D91:0C C0 27 D0 08 A4 2A A6 A1
0D99:29 18 20 F0 FF 20 30 A6 E8
0DA1:20 F5 A0 20 BF A0 20 DC FC
0DA9:A0 20 E8 A0 4C 00 A0 C9 B0
0DB1:0D F0 04 C9 8D D0 08 E8 54
0DB9:A0 00 18 20 F0 FF 60 4C BD
0DC1:D2 FF 24 0D 50 18 A0 00 BE
0DC9:B1 0E 49 80 91 0E 29 3F C7
0DD1:C9 20 D0 0A AD 21 D0 29 50
0DD9:0F CD 89 AF F0 07 60 24 A3
0DE1:0D 10 07 A0 00 AD 86 02 37
0DE9:91 10 60 24 0C 10 08 A0 70
0DF1:00 B1 0E 49 40 91 0E 60 93
0DF9:24 0C 50 0A A0 00 A5 0A 2E
0E01:91 0E A5 0B 91 10 60 18 74
0E09:20 92 A4 20 30 A6 A9 E7 C7
0E11:85 10 A9 CB 85 11 20 88 1F
0E19:A6 4C 00 A0 18 20 92 A4 B0
0E21:20 30 A6 A5 0E 85 10 A5 D4
0E29:0F 85 11 A9 00 85 0E A9 C6
0E31:C8 85 0F 20 88 A6 4C 00 6E
0E39:A0 EE 20 D0 4C 00 A0 EE 05
0E41:21 D0 4C 00 A0 A5 0D 49 AA
0E49:80 85 0D 20 30 A6 20 DC E3
0E51:A0 4C 00 A0 A5 0D 49 40 0F
0E59:85 0D 20 30 A6 20 BF A0 58
0E61:4C 00 A0 18 20 92 A4 4C 1A
0E69:00 A0 AD 11 D0 49 40 8D 2E
0E71:11 D0 29 40 F0 08 AD 16 8C
0E79:D0 29 EF 8D 16 D0 4C 00 AB
0E81:A0 AD 16 D0 49 10 8D 16 E4
0E89:D0 29 10 F0 08 AD 11 D0 53
0E91:29 BF 8D 11 D0 4C 00 A0 4D
0E99:AD 18 D0 49 04 29 FC 8D 8D
0EA1:18 D0 4C 00 A0 A5 0C 49 84
0EA9:80 85 0C 20 30 A6 20 E8 30
0EB1:A0 4C 00 A0 A5 0C 49 40 6B
0EB9:85 0C 20 30 A6 20 C3 A1 81
0EC1:20 F5 A0 4C 00 A0 A0 00 08
0EC9:B1 0E 85 0A B1 10 85 0B 77
0ED1:60 38 20 92 A4 20 30 A6 06
0ED9:A0 00 B1 0E 29 BF 2C 11 0F
0EE1:D0 50 02 29 3F C9 20 D0 7F
0EE9:03 4C 00 A0 B1 10 29 0F D3
0EF1:85 4A A9 00 85 0E 85 10 18
0EF9:A9 D8 85 11 A9 FC 85 0F 3E
0F01:A0 00 A2 04 20 81 AA B1 12
0F09:0E 20 87 AA 29 0F C5 4A 2D
0F11:D0 09 B1 10 18 69 01 29 A2
0F19:0F 91 10 C8 D0 E6 E6 11 B2
0F21:E6 0F CA D0 DF 20 C3 A5 89
0F29:C9 8C F0 C6 4C 09 A0 38 D9
0F31:20 92 A4 20 CD AA A9 A9 B0
0F39:A2 AE 20 9B A5 A9 31 85 CD
0F41:10 8D F9 AE A9 D6 A2 AE 91
0F49:20 9B A5 E6 10 A5 10 C9 82
0F51:34 D0 EE A9 0D A2 AF 20 A8
0F59:9B A5 A9 1C 8D 15 D0 A0 A8
0F61:02 B9 43 00 99 29 D0 88 F2
0F69:10 F7 20 F3 A9 C9 20 D0 56
0F71:0C A9 00 8D 15 D0 38 20 55
0F79:ED A4 4C 00 A0 C9 31 90 60
0F81:E9 C9 34 B0 E5 38 E9 30 AC
0F89:A8 B6 42 E8 8A 99 42 00 BF
0F91:4C 5C A2 18 20 92 A4 20 77
0F99:AC A3 A9 18 85 3B A9 27 41
0FA1:85 3C A9 1E 8D F8 CB 20 B0
0FA9:B6 A3 86 29 86 39 84 2A BB
0FB1:84 3A A5 0E 85 4C A5 0F ED
0FB9:85 4D A5 10 85 4E A5 11 65
0FC1:85 4F AD 00 D0 8D 0C D0 D1
0FC9:AD 01 D0 8D 0D D0 AD 10 09
0FD1:D0 29 BF 8D 10 D0 29 01 8A
0FD9:4A 6A 6A 0D 10 D0 8D 10 C4
0FE1:D0 A9 02 8D 2D D0 8D 2E E1
0FE9:D0 A9 60 8D 15 D0 A9 1F 1E
0FF1:8D F8 CB 20 B6 A3 8A 38 22
0FF9:E5 29 85 3D 98 38 E5 2A 75
1001:85 3E A9 18 38 E5 3D 85 83
1009:3B A9 27 38 E5 3E 85 3C 09
1011:AD 00 D0 8D 0E D0 AD 01 0B
1019:D0 8D 0F D0 AD 10 D0 29 6C
1021:7F 8D 10 D0 29 01 4A 6A BF
1029:0D 10 D0 8D 10 D0 A9 E0 BE
1031:8D 15 D0 A6 29 A4 2A 18 2A
1039:20 F0 FF A9 1E 8D F8 CB 25
1041:20 AC A3 20 B6 A3 A5 0E B0
1049:85 50 A5 0F 85 51 A5 10 B2
1051:85 52 A5 11 85 53 A5 4C 9F
1059:85 0E A5 4D 85 0F A9 00 05
1061:85 10 A9 F8 85 11 20 E7 A5
1069:A3 A5 4E 85 0E A5 4F 85 12
1071:0F A9 00 85 10 A9 FC 85 82
1079:11 20 E7 A3 A9 00 85 0E C7
1081:A9 F8 85 0F A5 50 85 10 DF
1089:A5 51 85 11 20 E7 A3 A9 24
1091:00 85 0E A9 FC 85 0F A5 31
1099:52 85 10 A5 53 85 11 20 93
10A1:E7 A3 A9 20 8D 15 D0 A9 E1
10A9:1C 8D FB CB 4C 00 A0 A9 64
10B1:00 85 39 85 3A 60 20 D2 19
10B9:FF 20 C3 A5 48 20 08 AB 33
10C1:68 C9 91 D0 06 E4 39 D0 CE
10C9:ED F0 EE C9 11 D0 06 E4 54
10D1:3B D0 E3 F0 E4 C9 9D D0 A9
10D9:06 C4 3A D0 D9 F0 DA C9 94
10E1:1D D0 06 C4 3C D0 CF F0 87
10E9:D0 60 A6 3D 20 81 AA A4 34
10F1:3E B1 0E 91 10 A9 20 91 71
10F9:0E 88 10 F5 20 87 AA A5 BE
1101:0E 18 69 28 85 0E 90 02 67
1109:E6 0F A5 10 18 69 28 85 54
1111:10 90 02 E6 11 CA 10 D4 B6
1119:60 18 20 ED A4 4C 00 A0 4B
1121:20 78 AB 38 20 92 A4 20 1F
1129:C9 AA A9 B8 A0 C8 A2 04 0D
1131:20 EF AA A9 BC A0 DB A2 0C
1139:04 20 EF AA A5 0C 29 C0 7E
1141:0A AA 2A 8D B6 D9 8A 0A 6D
1149:2A 8D 66 D9 A5 0D 29 C0 C2
1151:0A AA 2A 8D 8E D9 SA 0A 3C
1159:2A 8D DE D9 A5 48 29 40 4E
1161:0A 0A 2A 8D 32 DB A5 47 BC
1169:29 10 F0 02 A9 01 8D 5A 29
1171:DB A5 46 29 04 4A 4A BD B1
1179:82 DB A9 00 85 C6 20 DC 6D
1181:A5 24 55 30 07 38 20 ED 74
1189:A4 4C 00 A0 48 38 20 ED 6C
1191:A4 68 4C 09 A0 B0 0D A9 C5
1199:88 85 0E A9 AF 85 0F A9 19
11A1:B0 48 D0 0B A9 41 85 0E 64
11A9:A9 00 85 0F A9 F8 48 A0 A4
11B1:07 AD 11 D0 91 0E 88 AD 75
11B9:16 D0 91 0E 88 AD 18 D0 2A
11C1:91 0E 88 B9 20 D0 29 0F 82
11C9:91 0E 88 10 F6 AD 86 02 C7
11D1:85 49 A5 C7 85 4B 20 08 DB
11D9:AB 86 29 84 2A 68 AB A9 CE
11E1:C8 A2 04 20 EF AA A4 11 18
11E9:A9 D8 A2 04 20 EF AA 60 22
11F1:08 B0 11 38 20 92 A4 A9 28
11F9:88 85 0E A9 AF 85 0F A9 79
1201:B0 48 D0 1C A9 41 85 0E D6
1209:A9 00 85 0F A9 F8 48 A5 0B
1211:4B 85 C7 A5 49 8D 86 02 1F
1219:A6 29 A4 2A 18 20 F0 FF 35
1221:A0 07 B1 0E 8D 11 D0 88 49
1229:B1 0E BD 16 D0 88 B1 0E D6
1231:8D 18 D0 88 B1 0E 99 20 DD
1239:D0 88 10 F8 20 81 AA A0 76
1241:C8 A2 04 68 20 EF AA A5 35
1249:0F A0 D8 A2 04 20 EF AA 8D
1251:20 87 AA 28 B0 1A 20 81 EE
1259:AA A9 F8 A0 B0 A2 08 20 A6
1261:EF AA 20 87 AA A0 07 B9 44
1269:41 00 99 88 AF 88 10 F7 A1
1271:A9 20 8D 15 D0 60 A0 00 BE
1279:A6 10 D0 02 C6 11 C6 10 47
1281:A6 0E D0 02 C6 0F CA 86 45
1289:0E 20 31 AC B1 0E 20 39 EC
1291:AC 91 10 E4 5F D0 E1 A6 69
1299:0F E4 60 D0 DB 60 85 0E 11
12A1:86 0F A0 00 B1 0E F0 0E 96
12A9:C9 02 F0 0B 20 D2 FF C8 17
12B1:D0 F2 E6 0F D0 EE 60 C8 94
12B9:B1 0E AA C8 B1 0E 20 D2 F4
12C1:FF CA D0 FA F0 E9 20 30 02
12C9:A6 A9 01 0D 15 D0 8D 15 B8
12D1:D0 AD 27 D0 49 01 8D 27 4C
12D9:D0 A9 14 85 13 85 12 20 9E
12E1:F3 A9 AA A5 91 49 FB D0 94
12E9:06 A9 80 85 55 30 0C E0 48
12F1:85 90 04 E0 8D 90 F2 A9 C9
12F9:00 85 55 A0 00 84 12 A9 14
1301:FE 2D 15 D0 8D 15 D0 8A 8E
1309:60 18 20 92 A4 A2 22 BD 44
1311:90 AF 95 08 CA 10 F8 A2 C9
1319:22 BD B3 AF 95 39 CA 10 68
1321:F8 78 A2 D6 A0 AF 18 20 B7
1329:8D FF A9 04 8D 88 02 58 76
1331:4C 76 C6 A9 00 85 0F 85 48
1339:10 38 20 F0 FF 98 C9 28 A6
1341:90 03 E9 28 A8 0A 0A 0A BB
1349:26 10 69 18 8D 00 D0 90 D3
1351:02 E6 10 AD 10 D0 29 FE 24
1359:05 10 8D 10 D0 8A 0A 0A 87
1361:0A 85 10 69 32 8D 01 D0 21
1369:A5 10 0A 26 0F 0A 26 0F 06
1371:18 65 10 90 02 E6 0F 84 56
1379:10 18 65 10 85 0E 85 10 DA
1381:A9 C8 65 0F 85 0F 69 10 97
1389:85 11 60 A0 00 A9 20 91 45
1391:0E A6 0E E4 10 D0 06 A6 EE
1399:0F E4 11 F0 08 E6 0E D0 7A
13A1:EE E6 0F D0 EA 60 A9 20 34
13A9:8D E7 CB 38 20 92 A4 20 42
13B1:CD AA A9 93 20 D2 FF A9 CD
13B9:00 85 14 85 15 85 40 A9 05
13C1:FF A2 AC 20 9B A5 A9 15 04
13C9:A2 AF 20 9B A5 20 C3 A5 C5
13D1:4C E8 A6 38 20 ED A4 4C FE
13D9:00 A0 A9 B6 A2 AC 20 9B 6C
13E1:A5 4C B4 A6 20 C3 A5 C9 14
13E9:0D F0 43 C9 20 F0 E4 C9 30
13F1:30 90 E7 C9 3A B0 E3 20 6A
13F9:D2 FF 29 0F A8 A5 14 A6 4A
1401:15 06 14 26 15 B0 D3 06 33
1409:14 26 15 B0 CD 65 14 85 24
1411:14 8A 65 15 B0 C4 85 15 9C
1419:06 14 26 15 B0 BC 98 65 6E
1421:14 85 14 A5 15 69 00 B0 90
1429:B1 85 15 4C E1 A6 A5 14 FB
1431:85 1C A5 15 C9 FA 90 07 8B
1439:A9 DC A2 AC 4C DB A6 85 31
1441:1D A9 00 85 1A A9 D0 85 59
1449:1B A5 47 29 10 F0 1D 20 82
1451:15 AB 20 53 AB 20 6D AB 8C
1459:D0 30 A9 00 BD B7 AD 20 F1
1461:0E AA A9 D6 A2 AD 20 41 2B
1469:AA 4C 87 A7 24 48 50 1A 62
1471:20 15 AB 20 53 AB 20 6D 5D
1479:AB D0 0F A9 3A 8D B7 AD 4D
1481:20 0E AA A9 FD A2 AD 20 23
1489:41 AA 20 0E AA A5 41 20 70
1491:5B AA 8D 7E AD BE 7D AD FB
1499:A5 42 20 5B AA 8D 88 AD 29
14A1:8E 87 AD A5 46 29 02 F0 CE
14A9:04 A9 FF D0 02 A9 32 8D F3
14B1:8F AD 20 53 AB A9 72 A2 D1
14B9:AE 20 9B A5 20 F9 A9 D0 1C
14C1:07 A9 76 A2 AD 4C C9 A7 AA
14C9:A9 8A A2 AD 20 41 AA 20 14
14D1:6C AA 24 48 70 26 20 E0 21
14D9:A9 A0 27 20 CC A9 C9 60 E6
14E1:F0 0F C9 A0 F0 04 C9 E0 95
14E9:D0 0B 20 D5 A9 C5 42 D0 58
14F1:04 A9 20 91 16 88 10 E3 7A
14F9:C6 26 D0 DD 20 E0 A9 A9 88
1501:10 85 08 A0 00 20 CC A9 63
1509:85 09 4C 0E A8 A9 92 85 39
1511:09 A2 00 86 54 CA 86 24 CF
1519:20 0E AA 20 8F AA A0 27 BD
1521:20 CC A9 C9 20 D0 12 88 51
1529:10 F6 A9 11 20 2E AA 20 8E
1531:9A AA C6 26 D0 E8 4C D5 27
1539:A8 84 25 E6 24 A4 24 20 08
1541:CC A9 AA 30 0E 24 09 30 D7
1549:15 A9 92 85 09 20 2E AA E2
1551:4C 5B A8 24 09 10 07 A9 10
1559:12 85 09 20 2E AA BA 24 66
1561:48 50 02 29 3F C9 20 F0 E8
1569:12 A4 24 20 D5 A9 C5 08 35
1571:F0 09 85 08 A8 B9 70 AF 44
1579:20 2E AA 8A 29 7F C9 20 38
1581:90 08 C9 40 90 0A C9 60 D3
1589:90 03 18 69 20 18 69 20 AA
1591:20 2E AA A5 24 C5 25 F0 7A
1599:16 A5 54 C9 47 90 9C 20 35
15A1:AA AA 20 0E AA 20 8F AA 50
15A9:A9 00 85 54 4C 38 A8 20 53
15B1:9A AA C6 26 F0 1C A5 24 76
15B9:C9 27 D0 06 20 AA AA 4C 5A
15C1:0E A8 A9 22 20 2E AA A9 2D
15C9:00 20 2E AA 20 6C AA 4C C0
15D1:0A A8 20 AA AA 20 6C AA 33
15D9:A5 20 85 1A A5 21 85 1B 09
15E1:A9 22 A2 AD 20 9B A5 20 73
15E9:F9 A9 D0 46 A5 27 85 14 E2
15F1:A5 28 85 15 20 0E AA 20 A9
15F9:6C AA A9 96 A2 AD 20 41 F0
1601:AA A5 47 29 10 F0 15 20 F5
1609:5B AB D0 26 20 0E AA 20 F8
1611:6C AA A9 E9 A2 AD 20 41 3F
1619:AA 4C 2F A9 24 48 50 12 23
1621:20 5B AB D0 0D 20 0E AA 66
1629:20 6C AA A9 C2 A2 AD 20 8C
1631:41 AA A5 3F F0 1F A9 36 DE
1639:A2 AD 20 9B A5 A6 1C A5 85
1641:1D 20 41 AC A9 53 A2 AD 84
1649:20 9B A5 A6 27 A5 28 20 CB
1651:41 AC 4C B4 A6 A5 27 D0 09
1659:02 C6 28 C6 27 A5 28 C9 93
1661:FA 90 06 20 B5 AA 4C 35 18
1669:A7 A5 1A 38 E9 00 85 10 04
1671:A5 1B E9 D0 85 11 A5 2D 6A
1679:85 0E 18 65 10 85 10 A8 A4
1681:A5 2E 85 0F 65 11 85 11 39
1689:C5 38 90 1A D0 04 C4 37 B1
1691:90 14 A9 57 A2 AD 20 9B 5D
1699:A5 A9 15 A2 AF 20 9B A5 AA
16A1:20 F3 A9 4C D0 A6 A2 05 40
16A9:95 2D CA 94 2D CA 10 F8 3C
16B1:20 73 A5 A5 1A 85 0E A5 82
16B9:1B 85 0F A9 00 85 5F A9 CF
16C1:D0 85 60 20 73 A5 20 7C B4
16C9:C6 20 B5 AA 4C 96 A9 20 F2
16D1:81 AA B1 16 20 87 AA 60 D5
16D9:20 81 AA B1 18 20 87 AA E1
16E1:29 0F 60 A9 19 85 26 A9 E1
16E9:00 85 16.85 18 A9 F8 85 71
16F1:17 A9 FC 85 19 60 20 E4 7B
16F9:FF F0 FB 60 20 E4 FF F0 6D
1701:FB C9 59 F0 0B C9 0D F0 64
1709:07 08 A9 4E 20 D2 FF 28 4B
1711:60 A9 FF 20 2E AA 20 2E 66
1719:AA A5 14 20 2E AA A5 15 07
1721:20 2E AA 20 85 C6 90 02 AC
1729:E6 40 E6 14 D0 02 E6 15 6A
1731:60 20 31 AC A0 00 91 1A CA
1739:20 39 AC E6 1A D0 02 E6 C8
1741:1B E6 54 60 85 10 86 11 D1
1749:A0 00 B1 10 C9 FF F0 03 32
1751:20 2E AA E6 10 D0 02 E6 8D
1759:11 C9 00 D0 EB 60 A2 FF B5
1761:29 0F C9 0A 90 06 A2 31 D4
1769:18 69 26 60 69 30 60 A5 3B
1771:1A 85 20 A5 1B 85 21 A5 43
1779:14 85 27 A5 15 85 28 A5 07
1781:40 85 3F 60 78 A9 25 85 59
1789:01 60 48 A9 26 85 01 68 A5
1791:58 60 A9 99 20 2E AA A9 8B
1799:22 20 2E AA 60 A9 28 18 63
17A1:65 16 85 16 85 18 90 04 CB
17A9:E6 17 E6 19 60 A9 93 A2 F2
17B1:AD 20 41 AA 20 6C AA 60 F9
17B9:A9 99 A2 AC 20 9B A5 A5 A2
17C1:28 A6 27 20 41 AC A9 0D B1
17C9:20 D2 FF 60 A9 00 F0 02 F3
17D1:A9 0F 8D 21 D0 8D 20 D0 2A
17D9:A9 28 8D 18 D0 A9 C8 8D 66
17E1:16 D0 AD 11 D0 29 10 09 6A
17E9:0B BD 11 D0 A9 00 8D 15 AD
17F1:D0 60 85 0F 84 11 A0 00 EB
17F9:84 0E 84 10 B1 0E 91 10 78
1801:88 D0 F9 E6 0F E6 11 CA 58
1809:D0 F2 60 38 20 F0 FF C0 73
1811:28 90 04 98 E9 28 A8 60 25
1819:20 53 AB A9 55 A2 AE 20 F0
1821:9B A5 20 F9 A9 D0 2E 20 39
1829:0E AA 20 6C AA A5 43 20 68
1831:5B AA 8D AC AD 8E AB AD E2
1839:A5 44 20 5B AA 8D B6 AD AD
1841:8E B5 AD A5 45 20 5B AA 42
1849:8D C0 AD 8E BF AD A9 A4 BB
1851:A2 AD 20 41 AA 60 A9 10 90
1859:A2 AE 20 9B A5 60 A9 91 D7
1861:A2 AE 20 9B A5 A9 26 A2 0F
1869:AE 20 9B A5 20 F9 A9 60 63
1871:A9 26 A2 AE 20 9B A5 20 1A
1879:F9 A9 60 A2 22 B5 08 9D DC
1881:90 AF CA 10 F8 A2 22 B5 BC
1889:39 9D B3 AF CA 10 F8 A2 5A
1891:D6 A0 AF 38 20 8D FF 78 7E
1899:20 8A FF A9 EF 8D 18 03 FF
18A1:A9 C6 8D 19 03 A9 9A 8D 1D
18A9:14 03 A9 C6 8D 15 03 58 65
18B1:A9 00 8D 27 D0 85 0D 85 17
18B9:12 85 0C 8D 17 D0 AD 01 07
18C1:03 C9 C6 F0 13 8D C2 C6 E8
18C9:AD 00 03 8D C1 C6 A9 BC 43
18D1:8D 00 03 A9 C6 8D 01 03 35
18D9:A9 04 A0 C8 A2 04 20 EF D5
18E1:AA AD 02 DD 09 03 8D 02 62
18E9:DD A9 00 8D 00 DD AD 18 37
18F1:D0 29 02 09 28 8D 18 D0 1E
18F9:A9 C8 8D 88 02 A9 1C 8D E7
1901:F8 CB A0 04 A9 1D 99 F9 E5
1909:CB 88 D0 FA A9 1E 8D FE EC
1911:CB A9 1F 8D FF CB A0 07 C7
1919:B9 80 AF 99 04 D0 88 10 5C
1921:F7 A9 3C 8D 10 D0 A9 1C 4D
1929:8D 1D D0 8D 1B D0 A9 13 DE
1931:20 D2 FF 60 78 48 A9 24 8A
1939:85 01 68 60 48 A9 26 85 3C
1941:01 68 58 60 86 56 85 57 0F
1949:A2 03 A9 00 95 58 CA 10 76
1951:FB A0 0F 06 56 26 57 78 5E
1959:F8 A5 58 65 58 85 58 A5 02
1961:59 65 59 85 59 A5 5A 65 98
1969:5A 85 5A D8 58 88 10 E3 EB
1971:A2 02 B5 58 48 4A 4A 4A FB
1979:4A 20 8A AC 68 29 0F 20 1B
1981:8A AC CA 10 ED A5 5B D0 0C
1989:03 20 BE AC 60 C5 5B F0 A3
1991:FB 09 30 85 5B 4C D2 FF 14
1999:20 9D 9D 00 93 1F 02 0A 1E
19A1:0D 4C 41 53 54 20 4C 49 CF
19A9:4E 45 20 4E 55 4D 42 45 E6
19B1:52 20 55 53 45 44 3A 20 C4
19B9:00 93 12 1C 2A 2A 2A 20 43
19C1:49 4E 56 41 4C 49 44 20 3B
19C9:45 4E 54 52 59 20 2A 2A AB
19D1:2A 92 20 54 52 59 20 41 80
19D9:47 41 49 4E 2E 0D 00 0D C0
19E1:1C 4C 49 4E 45 20 4E 55 DF
19E9:4D 42 45 52 20 45 58 43 2B
19F1:45 45 44 53 20 36 33 39 4F
19F9:39 39 20 4C 49 4D 49 54 46
1A01:0D 00 0D 0D 97 45 4E 54 F0
1A09:45 52 20 42 45 47 49 4E C4
1A11:4E 49 4E 47 20 4C 49 4E 10
1A19:45 20 4E 55 4D 42 45 52 67
1A21:20 4F 52 0D 00 0D 0D 41 E3
1A29:44 44 20 57 41 49 54 20 02
1A31:4C 4F 4F 50 3F 20 59 9D 19
1A39:00 93 1C 02 0A 0D 45 58 5D
1A41:49 53 54 49 4E 47 20 4C 2A
1A49:49 4E 45 53 20 42 45 54 7C
1A51:57 45 45 4E 20 00 20 26 77
1A59:20 00 93 02 0A 0D 1C 12 FE
1A61:2A 2A 2A 20 4F 55 54 20 15
1A69:4F 46 20 4D 45 4D 4F 52 FF
1A71:59 20 2A 2A 2A 92 0D 0D 05
1A79:00 97 35 33 32 38 30 2C 6C
1A81:30 30 3A 97 35 33 32 38 AD
1A89:31 2C 30 30 3A 99 C7 28 5A
1A91:31 34 32 29 22 93 22 3B 23
1A99:00 97 31 39 38 2C 30 3A 7A
1AA1:92 31 39 38 2C 31 00 97 D3
1AA9:35 33 32 38 32 2C 30 30 E1
1AB1:3A 97 35 33 32 38 33 2C C7
1AB9:30 30 3A 97 35 33 32 38 E5
IAC1:34 2C 30 30 00 97 35 33 20
1AC9:32 36 35 2C C2 28 35 33 62
1AD1:32 36 35 29 AF 31 39 31 CB
1AD9:00 97 35 33 32 37 30 2C C8
1AE1:C2 28 35 33 32 37 30 29 53
1AE9:B0 31 36 00 97 35 33 32 B3
1AF1:37 30 2C C2 28 35 33 32 2E
1AF9:37 30 29 AF 32 33 39 00 C6
1B01:97 35 33 32 36 35 2C C2 7B
1B09:28 35 33 32 36 35 29 B0 B3
1B11:36 34 00 0D 0D 41 44 44 7A
1B19:20 4C 49 4E 45 20 54 4F 23
1B21:20 53 45 54 20 55 50 0D 2E
1B29:00 45 58 54 45 4E 44 45 32
1B31:44 20 42 41 43 4B 47 52 16
1B39:4F 55 4E 44 20 4D 4F 44 93
1B41:45 20 4F 52 0D 4D 55 4C C5
1B49:54 49 43 4F 4C 52 20 4D 92
1B51:4F 44 45 3F 20 59 9D 00 7E
1B59:42 41 43 4B 47 52 4F 55 95
1B61:4E 44 20 52 45 47 49 53 26
1B69:54 45 52 53 20 31 2D 33 ED
1B71:3F 20 59 9D 00 42 41 43 23
1B79:4B 47 52 4F 55 4E 44 20 F2
1B81:26 20 42 4F 52 44 45 52 90
1B89:20 43 4F 4C 4F 52 53 3F F8
1B91:20 59 9D 00 0D 0D 41 44 45
1B99:44 20 4C 49 4E 45 20 54 34
1BA1:4F 20 54 55 52 4E 20 4F C2
1BA9:46 46 0D 00 93 0D 1C 12 51
1BB1:02 05 20 50 52 45 53 53 D4
1BB9:20 4B 45 59 53 20 31 2D BB
1BC1:33 20 54 4F 20 43 59 43 1D
1BC9:4C 45 20 43 4F 4C 4F 52 4C
1BD1:53 02 05 20 92 02 03 0D 84
1BD9:00 0D 97 02 1D 20 6F 02 B0
1BE1:04 B7 70 0D 02 05 20 42 8D
1BE9:41 43 4B 47 52 4F 55 4E 38
1BF1:44 20 52 45 47 49 53 54 4B
1BF9:45 52 20 20 30 20 20 A5 55
1C01:02 04 20 A7 0D 02 1D 20 84
1C09:6C 02 04 AF BA 0D 0D 00 97
1C11:0D 0D 0D 12 1F 02 06 20 03
1C19:50 52 45 53 53 20 27 53 A8
1C21:50 41 43 45 27 20 46 4F 24
1C29:52 20 57 4F 52 4B 2D 53 DF
1C31:43 52 45 45 4E 02 05 20 41
1C39:92 00 89 8A 8B 8C 85 86 B4
1C41:87 88 02 14 0D 0F 08 10 A5
1C49:18 1A 0B 03 15 A1 35 A1 E0
1C51:3B A2 2B A1 CD A1 B0 A1 47
1C59:41 A1 A1 A1 50 A1 03 A1 99
1C61:18 A2 8F A4 15 A4 1F A6 AA
1C69:A2 A6 05 A1 5F A1 66 A1 47
1C71:7D A1 94 90 05 1C 9F 9C E0
1C79:1E 1F 9E 81 95 96 97 98 43
1C81:99 9A 9B 00 63 00 8B 00 D2
1C89:B3 50 F2 20 8E C6 4C 1D 55
1C91:A4 20 93 C6 4C 69 FE 20 29
1C99:93 C6 20 33 A5 4C 8E C6 C6
1CA1:20 93 C6 20 13 A6 4C 8E 04
1CA9:C6 A9 26 85 01 60 48 A9 90
1CB1:27 85 01 68 60 A5 12 F0 34
1CB9:1B C6 13 D0 17 A9 14 85 AD
1CC1:13 AD 27 D0 49 01 8D 27 71
1CC9:D0 AD 2D D0 49 01 8D 2D 1F
1CD1:D0 8D 2E D0 4C 31 EA E0 86
1CD9:0B F0 03 4C 8B E3 A5 7A AA
1CE1:8D DB C6 A5 7B 8D DC C6 9D
1CE9:A0 04 AD DB C6 D0 03 CE 35
1CF1:DC C6 CE DB C6 AD 01 08 D8
1CF9:D9 EA C6 D0 DE 88 10 EA E3
1D01:68 68 4C 70 C6 47 45 4E 46
1D09:49 45 40 AA 00 00 00 00 EB