The Editors and
Readers of COMPUTE!
TI Tips Book
In an effort to provide easily accessed documentation to TI users, I
have put together a TI tips booklet that consists of 99 tips for the
TI-99/4A. These are a compilation of suggestions given in our user
group newsletter. They include PEEKS, POKES, listings, hints, and so
on. Also included is a complete disk drive memory map, summary of
Extended BASIC commands, and a sorting program written in BASIC and
machine language. One such tip that may interest your readers allows
them to disable FCTN = (QUIT) in Extended BASIC. To do this, enter this
CALL INIT :: CALL LOAD(-31806,16)
To enable it again, type CALL LOAD(-31806,0).
Another POKE allows you to prevent Extended BASIC programs from being
listed. Type CALL LOAD(- 31931,128) to do this. To unprotect Extended
BASIC programs, enter CALL LOAD(-31931,0). The TI tips booklet is
available through the Central Iowa 99/4A Users Group for $4 (the cost
of materials, printing, and postage) at the following address:
Central Iowa 99/4A Users Group
Box 3043
Des Moines, IA 50316
Thank you for providing this information.