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In Pursuit Of Computer Trivia
King Chip, from XYLYX Computer Entertainment Limited, is a board game designed to test your knowledge in many areas of the computer industry. Similar to Trivial Pursuit in format, it contains more than 4,000 questions in six categories: data communications, history and current events, hardware, jargon, and acronyms, potpourri, and software. Questions in each category can be selected from five levels of difficulty, and vary in format among multiple choice, fill-in-the blank, true or false, and one- or two-word answers.
The object of the game is to answer enough questions correctly so that you can attain the throne of King Chip. Once there, you'll have to keep answering correctly to maintain it.
What sets King Chip apart from many other trivia-type games is its depth of responses. The back of each question card contains not only each correct answer but, where appropriate, an explanation of the answer. So it's a bit of a tutorial as well as just a game.
King Chip retails for $39.95.
XYLYX Computer Entertainment Limited, 20 Torbay Rd., Markham, Ontario, Canada L3R 1G6.
Circle Reader Service Number 223.

King Chip is a trivia game that tests your knowledge of computers and computing -
it's a computer game that doesn't require a computer.