The Editors and Readers of COMPUTE!
Singapore Commodores
This refers to your answer to M. H. Trenker in the November 1986 issue of COMPUTE!. I would like to mention my experience from living in Singapore where the current is 220 volts and 50 Hertz. I used two computer systems there: a Commodore 64 with MSD-2 disk drive and 80-column green-screen monitor, and a Commodore 128 with 1571 disk drive and Commodore 1902 monitor. Except for having to use a 110 volt transformer, I did not need to make any modifications to either system. I have used hundreds of different programs on these computers.
I would encourage anyone about to travel overseas to purchase computer equipment in the United States because the prices are much lower. Repairs are usually not a problem (at least for Commodore computers) because the only hardware differences between U.S. and international models are in the power supply and video chip. In the rare event that a video chip fails, you can now obtain a replacement chip from Jameco Electronics and other mail order suppliers who advertise in computer magazines.
A United States Commodore computer gives readable video output when connected to a PAL-format European monitor, but without any color or sound. I don't know whether this is also true of the French SECAM format.
J.P. Kelsey