Buyer's Guide
Personal Finance Software
Caroline D. Hanlon
Where's the money gone?
A common question for most of us, one that sometimes doesn't have an
answer. If you have a personal computer, though, you can get answers to
your financial-management questions and get a handle on your money. No
matter what your financial situation - from pauper to prince - you can
find a software package listed in this buyer's guide that's just right
for you.
Andrew Tobias'
Financial Calculator
IBM PC and compatibles
Based on the financial planner Managing Your Money, this program can be used to make decisions regarding home finances. Categories include tax planning, retirement planning, college planning, rental-property analysis, investment analysis, cash-flow analysis, mortgage refinancing, buy/rent/lease decisions, inflator/deflator, internal rate of return, IRA/Keogh plans, present and future values, loans and annuities, bond yields, and compound interest. The new tax laws for 1987 and 1988 are incorporated into the program. An online calculator and a depreciation calculator are available.

Andrew Tobias' Financial Calculator,
from the popular program
Managing Your Money, offers help
making home finance decisions.
Practical Software
IBM PC or PS/2 compatible
Checks, deposits, and credit card purchases can be entered into this program through screens designed to look like checks and deposit slips. It can handle up to three bank accounts, and repetitive checks and deposits can be defined for faster entry. This personal finance program supports up to 100 categories for transactions; 50 of the categories are predefined or can be customized. BankMate can be used to balance the checkbook, prepare tax returns, or create graphs of expenditures for a 12-month period. The program includes a pop-up calculator and 30 days of free telephone support.
BDL Homeware
Finances as well as important papers can be tracked with this program. BDL.Estate is designed to help organize assets, debts, papers, job data, bequests, final requests, and other important notes in case of death. Reports include a net-worth worksheet.
Bottom Line
The Midwest Software
Apple II, Commodore 64/128, IBM PC
With this ledger program, users can define up to 99 account titles for their budget. A journal disk can hold up to 2000 entries, and 40 disks can be linked together. Home, school, or business users can credit or debit any account and track the flow of money by day, week, month, quarter, or year. Messages may be added to the bottom of the reports, and reports for individual accounts or the whole ledger can be printed.
Business Systems
Commodore 64
$49.95 each
For small and medium-sized businesses, these menu-driven programs can be used to create and print accounting reports. Each program can be interfaced with other programs in the series for an integrated accounting reports package. All include password protection for security. Available programs are Inventory Management, Sales Analysis Management, Accounts Receivable Management and Invoicing, Accounts Payable Management and Checkwnting, Payroll Management, and General Ledger.
Check Tracker
Chipmunk Commdore 64/128
This program helps home and small-business users keep track of activity in their bank accounts-checks, deposits, savings, electronic transfers, and transactions through automatic teller machines. The program can support double-entry records, justify the accounts at the end of the month, print hard copies, and store each month's activity on disk.
CheckMaster II
Info-Napse Micro Services
IBM PC and compatibles
CheckMaster II is a check-printing system for home users. It allows users to create their own check formats and print from one to 200 checks at a time. Handwritten checks, automatic teller machine withdrawals, fees, and direct deposits can also be entered into the system.
Clan Practical Accountant
Sir-Tech Software
Apple II, IBM PC
The Clan Practical Accountant can be used by people with little or no accounting experience to provide a complete picture of their financial status. The program helps develop a financial statement for each month and can be used to trace tax deductions and income. Nine charts of accounts are included, or the accounts can be customized. The program can handle up to 128 accounts, and all account balances can be carried forward to the next year. Reports can be formatted for individual needs and displayed on 40- or 80-column screens or printed out. The Apple II version supports up to 2400 transactions per disk, while the IBM version handles over 4000 transactions. Up to 20 liquid assets can be stored on one data disk. A password option is provided to protect the records. Four guidebooks are included, and a telephone support hotline is available five days a week.
College Financial Planner
Randle, Coray, & Associates
A college-financing plan can be constructed for each child by using this program. Data for each child is stored on a disk so it may be updated each year as inflation, costs, and other circumstances change. Costs such as tuition, room, board, books, and transportation can be itemized, and the program automatically adjusts the costs for inflation. The program provides three plans for saving the needed capital. A manual and forms for gathering data are included in the package.
Dac-Easy Light
Dac Software
IBM PC or compatible
DOS 2.0 or later, 80-column printer, 256K
Designed for both home and office use, this accounting package can be used to keep track of credits and debits, create financial statements, and print checks. It offers a chart of accounts for the home or office for entering deposits, withdrawals, customers, and vendors. The program can be used to generate up-to the-minute financial statements and monthly balance sheets. Checks, invoices, or mailing labels can be printed with the program. A calculator automatically computes all the totals.
Research Press
IBM PC and compatibles
Lotus 1-2-3 or compatible spreadsheet
This template is designed to help structure a divorce settlement so both parties can save on taxes. It takes into account issues such as alimony, child support, property settlements, dependents, and child care. The program must be used with a spreadsheet.
Dollars and Sense
Apple II, IBM PC and compatibles, Macintosh 128K (Apple), 256K and DOS 2.1 (IBM)
$119.95 (Apple), $149.95 (Mac), $179.95 (IBM)
Home users can create budgets with up to 120 accounts, print checks, pay bills, perform automatic transactions, and view their overall financial condition with this software package. Five what-if scenarios allow the user to experiment with different liability options, and the outcome can be displayed in graph form-in color if the monitor supports color graphics. A portfolio manager helps keep track of stocks, and using Monogram's Moneylink/Moneyline software, the invester can access online services. With Forecast (included in the IBM version only), the user can estimate federal income taxes and plan tax strategies for up to five years. The program contains two sets of predefined starting accounts and has unlimited account capability. Double-entry accounting functions are computed automatically. Reports can be displayed on the screen or printed. In the IBM version, data can be exported to Lotus 1-2-3. Onscreen help is provided.

DivorceTax is a Lotus 1-2-3 template specifically for tax planning prior to a divorce settlement. |
Ea$y Loan$
PAR Software
Small-business and home users can keep track of loan payments and create amortization schedules with this program. Amortization schedules can be customized with partial payments, balloon payments, negative amortizations, and variable interest rates and payments. The program can calculate missing variables such as principal, length of time, or interest rate. The schedules and loan tables can be viewed on the screen or printed out.
EasyForm W-4
Valley Management Consultants
IBM PC or compatible
Lotus 1-2-3, 256K
This Lotus 1-2-3 template consists of four separate programs. W4 and W4A help users complete the new forms for withholding allowances. Update calculates the minimum amount of withholding and adjusts the allowances to equal the amount to be withheld. Estimate helps users estimate their income taxes for the next year. Annual updates are available for $19.
Valley Management Consultants
Lotus 1-2-3, 384K
EasyTax is a template that can be used to prepare Federal income tax forms 1040 and 1040-ES and schedules A, B, C, D, E, G, R, SE, W, 2106, 2119, 2210, 2441, 3903, 4562, and 6251. Online instructions and help notes provide assistance in filling out the forms displayed on the screen and then printing them out. Calculations are performed by the program, and the results are automatically transferred to the appropriate forms. Tax tables and rate schedules are built in, and the analyst feature compares an individual's deductions and credits to the government guidelines. A three-year planner is included. Updates are available each year for $30.
Economic Investor
ECON Investment Software
Economic Investor uses econometrics to forecast stock prices. The user inputs recent values for seven economic variables, and the program can calculate the returns on 1200 different stocks plus the probabilities of those returns actually occurring. (Another version of the program computes the returns for 500 stocks; it costs $249.)
Equalizer 1.5
The Charles Schwab & Co.
IBM PC and compatibles
Investors can use their modem and this program to keep track of activity in their investment portfolios. The program can be used to access Schwab's central computers, Standard & Poor's Marketscope, and the Dow Jones News/Retrieval database. From the Schwab computers, the investor can check on commissions, gains and losses, dividend receipts, and updates to the portfolio. Investors can also use the program to initiate buy or sell orders, review securities prices, and keep up-to-date on investing information. Telescan's Analyzer software is included with Version 1.5.
Everything You Need to Do Your Taxes with Lotus 1-2-3
Woodbury Software
Lotus 1-2-3
With this tax-planning and preparation package, users can compare 1-6 alternate tax strategies or evaluate taxes for 1-6 years. The program helps determine the tax effects of financial decisions and aids in sorting tax records. Major IRS forms such as the 1040 and Schedules A, B, C, D, G, SE, and W can be completed. Help screens appear throughout the menudriven program.
EZTax-Plan, Personal Edition
EZ Ware
IBM PC, Pqr, and compatibles; Macintosh
Commercial spreadsheet
This tax-preparation package is designed to be used with Lotus 1-2-3, Multiplan, Excel, or Symphony. It helps individuals project future taxes, compare different tax strategies, plan for retirement, and complete tax form 1040 and schedules A, D, R, and SE. The audit-alert feature also signals if planned deductions may lead to an IRS audit. EZTax-Plan takes into account charitable contributions, self-employment taxes, credits, itemized deductions, and assets such as bonds, stocks, and real estate. Updates incorporate any changes in tax laws that may occur. The package includes a coupon for one free update. This program can be used with EZTax-Prep 1040, also from EZ Ware.
EZTax-Prep 1040
EZ Ware
Apple II; IBM PC, PCjr, and compatibles; Macintosh
Commercial spreadsheet. Printer optional.
EZTax-Prep 1040 includes templates for completing 26 IRS forms and schedules: 1040, 1040ES, 2106, 2119, 2210, 2441, 3800, 3903, 4952, 4562, 4684, 4797, 4972, 6251, 6252, 8582, 8598, 8615, and Schedules A-F, R, and SE. Computations are performed by the program and the results are automatically applied to the appropriate form. Forms can be printed in an IRS-approved format on 1040 stock or transparent overlays using standard or laser printers. The program can also be used to create what-if scenarios and plan future tax strategies. The audit-alert feature points out deductions that could possibly trigger an IRS audit, and data can be exported to EZ Ware's EZTax-Plan for more in-depth tax planning. EZTax-Prep 1040 is designed to be used with Lotus 1-2-3, Multiplan, Excel, or Symphony 1.2. Annual updates which include all tax law changes are available for a fee (Macintosh-$99.95; other systems$129.95).
Federal Tax Forms
Sky Computer Resources
Apple II, Apple III
128K, Appleworks. III-EZ-Pieces for Apple III
A template for use with Appleworks, this program helps users complete IRS forms 1040, 2106, 2441, 3903, 4562, and Schedules A-F and SE. The program consists of three sections (instructions, a transfer area, and the tax form); two calculator templates for computing depreciation, amortization, and taxes; and a manual. Information can be entered into cells, and the calculations are performed automatically. The forms and schedules can be printed in IRS-approved format; the 1040 data must be printed onto an actual 1040 form. Additional forms and schedules are available for $5 each.
Financial Decisions Planner
TaxCalc Software
IBM PC and compatibles
Spreadsheet program
A template for use with Lotus 1-2-3, Symphony, and other spreadsheet programs, the Financial Decisions Planner can help users calculate and evaluate various situations before making a financial decision. It contains 15 functions, including future value of an investment, minimum investment for withdrawal, nominal interest rate, adjusted-rate mortgage payments, future value of regular deposits, continuous interest, term of a loan, last payment on a loan, principal on a loan, and others.
Financial Navigator
IBM PC and compatibles
A double-entry bookkeeping system for personal and small business use, this program can handle up to 250 accounts and 1,000 payers. The report function can generate up to 40 reports such as balance sheets and personal income statements. The program can be used as a checkbook manager and to print checks. Totals are automatically calculated. Data from the personal version can be transferred to the professional version.
Apple II, Macintosh
$59.95 (Apple), $69.95 (Mac)
Users can create five different scenarios to compare tax strategies or evaluate what-if situations. This tax planning software incorporates the new tax law changes, but retains tax formulas from previous years. It can be used to view tax projections for four years and to keep track of deductibles through 1991. A worksheet can display the user's tax status, including estimated taxes. Reports can be printed, and files can be transferred to programs that read SYLK files. Upgrades are available.
Fundwatch 4.0
Hamilton Software
128K, DOS 2.0, graphics card
Designed for the home investor, this program can compute the current and periodic yields, project annual total returns, evaluate trends over a specified period, and calculate the total returns on a portfolio. It can print out the results in text or graph format to the screen or printer. The program does not require a modem or access to an online service.
Taxaid Software
Commodore 64, Plus/4
The new tax laws of the Tax Reform Act are incorporated into this program to help users calculate income taxes for 1988 and 1989 and plan future tax strategies. The menu-driven program includes the new tax rates and automatically figures standard deductions, exemptions, limitations on IRAs, surtax, deductions for the elderly, and itemized-deduction limitations. Data can also be output to the screen or printer.
Home Accountant
Apple II, Atari, Atari ST, Commodore 64, IBM PC and compatibles, Macintosh
$39.95 (Apple, Atari, 64), $49.95 (ST), $59.95 (Mac), $69.95 (IBM PC)
Up to 200 budget categories can be defined with this program for home financial managers. The program can keep track of multiple bank accounts and credit cards, print checks and reports, record automatic transactions, and flag items for use in tax preparation. The IBM PC and Apple II versions can be used with Tax Advantage, also from Arrays.
Home Finance Manager
This home financial-management program can store over 200 transactions per month in 60 financialmanagement items. Data can be displayed in graph form or printed out in reports such as the annual report.
Home Management II
MVP Software
IBM PC or compatible
An enhanced version of the original Home Management l, this program contains five modules for home financial planning and managment. Personal Budget Planning (PBP) can help users plan their household budgets while Budget helps users keep track of income and check writing. Stock Broker is for analyzing possible investments, and Quik Loan is a loan amortization program. Typewriter, the word processor, can be used for small applications such as addressing envelopes and filling out forms.

Money Mentor for the Amiga provides up to 200 budget categories for any 12-month period. |
Keep It Simple Software
Home buyers can use this program to calculate loan amortization schedules or determine if a loan is affordable. Loan amount, interest rate, payments per year, payoff term, first payment date, and balloon date can be specified with the loan calculator. Income and expense information are used to decide if a loan would be too large. The autopilot option takes into account FNMA requirements for down payments and mortgage insurance.
In-House Accountant
Small-business or home users can keep track of budgets, payables, and receivables with this accounting program designed for the Macintosh. Transactions are all performed in one window, and related items are immediately updated when a transaction occurs. The data can be searched, edited, displayed in graph form, or printed out in reports such as customer statements, aging, invoices, balance sheets, and income statements. A page preview can be used to show the report exactly as it will print, and the program offers a selection of type styles and sizes. There are 18 financial formulas to calculate data. Data can be transferred to spreadsheets and other applications. The program is not copy-protected.
Investograph Plus, Basic
Liberty Research
IBM PC or compatible
The basic version of this investment tracking program can be used to chart price fluctuations and moving averages, analyze cycles and momentum, and provide daily or weekly portfolio values. A what-if option allows the user to experiment with various portfolio mixes. The program is available on 3½-inch or 5¼-inch disks.

Quicken, a check-writing and
record-keeping program, uses
screens that look and work like
a checkbook.
Isgur Portfolio System
Batteries Included
Atari ST, IBM PC and compatibles, Macintosh 512K (ST, Mac), DOS 2.0 (IBM PC), modem
$199.95 (ST, Mac), $245.95 (IBM PC)
Lee Isgur designed this portfolio manager to help investers keep track of securities information and manage their investments-from stocks and bonds to commodities and margins. Current status of each holding in a portfolio can be displayed in graph form or printed out. The telecommunications program can be used with a modem to provide up-to-date stock prices and information. Each sale is recorded and can be printed out for tax purposes. Functions can be defined and stored, and the program has macro capabilities. The built-in calendar helps keep track of longand short-term investments. Amount of data maintained is limited only by the amount of disk storage capacity. The program accepts either keyboard or mouse input.
J. K. Lasser's Your Income Tax 1988
Simon and Schuster
IBM PC and compatibles
256K, DOS 2.1, color or monochrome monitor
Software is combined with the J. K. Lasser Tax Institute's tax guide to help users complete their tax returns based on the new tax laws. The interview feature helps users select the correct forms, and the questions can be modified for individual needs. There is an onscreen calculator to use with either the worksheets or actual forms, and data can be transferred among the forms. Various tax strategies can be entered to compare liabilities. Help screens contain excerpts from the book. Individuals and professional tax preparers can use the program, and the results can be printed in IRS-approved format or on original IRS forms. Owners of the 1987 edition can buy the 1988 edition for $39.95 with proof of purchase.
Loan Ranger
Pride Software Development
IBM PC and compatibles
Menu screens help users enter their data in this amortization program. The accompanying manual helps explain many loan terms and practices such as balloon loans, actuarial method vs. U.S. Rules method, Truth in Lending Law, and The Rule of 78s.
Softview Macintosh
IRS forms are displayed on the screen for the user to fill in the appropriate lines. The program automatically performs the calculations and transfers data among the forms. There are 13 worksheets to aid in computing taxes, and itemization windows help break down any amount into a detailed listing. Instructions for each line in the forms can be displayed on the screen, and the IRS instruction book is included. Completed forms can be printed using a dot-matrix or laser printer. MacInTax includes forms 1040, 1040A, 1040EZ, 1040ES, 2106, 2119, 2210, 2441, 3903, 4562, 4562A, 4684, 4797, 4868, 4952, 6251, 6252, 8283, 8582, 8598, 8615, and schedules 1, A-F, R, and SE. The program operates with MultiFinder. Annual updates are available for $55. State tax programs to supplement MacInTax are available for California and New York for $65 each; state updates cost $35.
Managing Your Money 4.0
IBM PC and compatibles
256K, DOS 2.0 or later
Version 4.0 of Managing Your Money is a financial planning package made up of nine integrated programs covering major aspects of home financial planning such as checkbook management, budgets, tax planning, insurance and retirement planning, and portfolio management. It incorporates the new taxlaw changes and contains a full-featured word processor with mail-merge capabilities. The program can be used to set up budgets, track net worth, plan finances for up to five years, keep records of insurance and investments, and print checks, invoices, mailing labels, reports, graphs, and tax forms. Memos can be stored on the electronic calendar, and financial data can be exported to Lotus 1-2-3.
Money Counts 4.0
Parsons Technology
IBM PC or compatible
Hard disk or two floppy disk drives, DOS 2.0,192K
Up to 999 accounts and 24,000 transactions per year can be handled by this money management software. This program can be used to monitor cash, credit cards, and checking and saving accounts, plus it can help balance a checkbook. A financial calculator can determine interest rates, loan payments, and amortization schedules while the pop-up calculator can be used for onscreen computations. Four financial statements and three inquiry reports can be generated and printed, and data can be displayed in graph format. The program is menu-driven and not copyprotected. Onscreen help is provided.
Money Mentor
Sedona Software
Home financiers create, edit, or delete up to 200 budget categories-100 income labels, and 100 expense labels-for any 12-month period with this moneymanagement program. In the transaction system, users can manage up to 30 accounts including checking, cash, savings, and credit cards. Transfers within accounts and transactions split between categories can be tracked. The reporting system provides graphic reports that illustrate actual vs. budgeted amounts. Users can project their financial picture using the more than 50 reports available.
Practical Software
IBM PC or PS/2 compatible
A system for organizing personal finances, MoneyMate allows up to 200 transaction categories; 100 of the categories are predefined or can be modified. This financial-management program can handle up to ten bank accounts and 25 credit cards. Checks, deposits, credit-card charges, returns, and cash purchases can be entered. The program can be used to project cash flow, compare expenses to budgets, balance a checkbook or charge-card statement, track unpaid bills, calculate loan payments, and print checks, a net-worth report, and information for tax returns. Help is provided through onscreen messages and 90 days of free telephone support. The program also contains a pop-up calculator and notepad.
MoneyMate can be used to help organize an individual's or family's finances. The program can keep track of up to ten bank accounts, 25 credit cards, and unpaid bills. Loan repayment schedules, cash-flow projections, and budgets can also be calculated. Categories of financial activity are predefined and can be modified. Information can be sorted out for tax preparation or displayed in graphs. Pop-up windows and graphic userprompts provide onscreen help. Output can be sent to some spreadsheets such as Lotus 1-2-3.
University Software
Apple II
64K, ProDOS
Four subsystems make up this personal-finance package. Budget helps users develop a budget and print out monthly and yearly balance sheets and statements. Filer is a database for organizing checking, savings, money market, IRA, and credit-card accounts as well as investment and stock transactions; the telephone and address list can be used to print mailing labels. The user can examine the effects of interest rates, investments, and inflation with the Financial subsystem. This feature can also be used to print loan-amortization schedules, balance the checkbook, or flag taxable items. The memo writer can be used instead of switching to a word processor. General rather than accounting terms are used, and help is provided on the screen.
Multi-Program Disk #6
Cardinal Software
Commodore 64
This disk contains five financial and statistical programs. Financial Calculator calculates interest rates, principal on a loan, payments, future values, and mortgage amortizations. Statistics helps determine mean, variance, deviation, and distributions. Linear, nth-order, geometric, and exponential regressions can be calculated with Regression Analysis. Linear Programming uses the Simplex method to solve linear programming problems, and the Odds Calculator uses combinations or permutations to determine odds.
Small business owners can use this program to manage their cash flow. Customer and vendor accounts are tracked by name rather than number so payment status, outstanding balances, and P/L statements can be quickly accessed. When information is entered into accounts payable or receivable, it is automatically updated to the general ledger. The program uses the single entry method and offers predefined reports and invoices and an editable chart of accounts. Pop-up mini-menus help the user through the program, and business terms rather than accounting tei ms are used. Nimbus can also be used to compile reports for taxes.
Best Programs
IBM PC and compatibles
A OuickTax feature is included in this program to automatically recalculate tax owed, refund due, current tax bracket, and taxable income each time a number changes in the program. This helps users see how variations will affect the tax return. PC/Tax-Cut offers context-sensitive, onscreen help for whatever topic or calculation the user may be preparing. Forms can be displayed on the screen before printing, and the 1040 can be printed on plain paper with an IBM or Epson dot-matrix printer. A telephone tax advisory service is available for registered owners of PC/TaxCut for $1 per minute with a minimum of 15 minutes. There is no charge for questions concerning program operation. Updates for previous owners of PC/TaxCut cost $45.
Personal Accountant
Apple II, Atari, Commodore 64/128, IBM PC, Macintosh
48K (Apple, Atari), 128K (IBM PC, Mac)
$34.95 (Atari, 64/128), $49.95 (Apple, IBM, Mac)
This double-entry bookkeeping system is designed for small businesses and individuals. Data can be entered into five accounts-income, expense, deposit, loan, and equity-and reports can be printed out. The information can also be used to help prepare tax returns. Amortization tables can be used to calculate loan costs and future value of deposits such as an IRA. Names and addresses for each account can be stored in a database and used to generate mailing labels and lists.

Tax Preparer is a full-featured tax preparation program for the Apple II and IBM PC personal computers. |
Personal Portfolio Manager
Commodore 64,128
$39.95 (64), $59.95 (128)
Personal Portfolio Manageris a porfolio management and analysis system that investors can use to manage stock portfolios, obtain quotes and news, and analyze securities. The program can record dividends and interest, reconcile brokerage accounts, and store up to 1,000 transactions on a disk. The auto-run feature can automatically log on, update quotes, and log off using the Warner Computer System. A variety of reports can be printed using the report generator. A modem is required for accessing online data. Compatible modems include the Commodore 1600, 1650, or 1660; Westridge; and Telelearning and compatible modems.
Planner's Choice
Apple II, Commodore 64, IBM PC and compatibles
$34.95 (64), $39.95 (Apple, IBM)
This spreadsheet program can be used to develop and organize home budgets, tax strategies, investment options, financial reviews, and statistical reports. The program features windowing, three built-in functions, adjustable column widths, 255 rows, and a quick-reference guide. The IBM PC and Apple versions support up to 64 columns, while the Commodore 64 version uses 255 columns.
Apple II
A financial-management program for homes and small businesses, Quicken helps Apple owners keep track of paid bills, tax records, and other financial transactions. It can automatically write and print checks and update financial statements.
Quicken 2.0
IBM PC and PS/2
256K, DOS 2.0 or later
Version 2 of Quicken contains the same check-writing and financial-management features as the original, plus has some new capabilities. A bill-minder feature reminds the user when it is time to pay a bill, and the program can automatically write recurring checks. Financial records can be updated whenever a transaction occurs. Reports such as income and payroll tax records, budgets, and income and expense can be generated and printed out. Version 2 also allows an unlimited number of bank accounts and transactions. The package includes a quick-start-and-tips card, manual, sample checks, sample envelopes, and a check and envelope order form. Disks are available in 3½- or 5¼-inch format. Free telephone support is provided.
Real Estate Analyzer
Apple II, IBM PC and compatibles
64K (Apple), 128K (IBM). IBM compatibles require MS-DOS, OW-BASIC, and 192K
$295.00 (Apple), $350.00 (IBM)
Real estate investors can use this program to calculate the projected cash flow and overall return on property. It incorporates many tax laws, including ACRS tables and recapture rules, and it uses several measures of profitability, such as the financial management rate of return (FMRR). The program can automatically determine multiple loan payments, depreciation schedules, itemized income and expenses, after-tax cash flow, and the final return on investment. Information can be displayed on the screen or printed out. Investment models include trust deeds, depreciation schedules, expense items, and income schedules. Telephone support is provided.
Rory Tycoon Portfolio Analyst
Coherent Software Systems
IBM PC or compatible
An investment-management program, Rory Tycoon Portfolio Analyst can be used for managing investment portfolios, historical and realtime charting, and retrieving quotes. It can handle up to 2,500 investments and can perform the calculations to determine net worth, market value, costs, profit/loss, dividend income, and yield. A summary of each investment can be generated, including commission costs, margin value, imputed interest, and annual income projections. Historical charts of prices and movement can be shown on the screen or as high-resolution printouts. The package contains interfaces to Dow Jones News/Retrieval, CompuServe, and Lotus Signal.
Securities Analyst-128
Free Spirit
Commodore 128
Stock data can be entered into the program, saved to disk, and printed to a dot-matrix printer. Text information can be displayed on the 80-column monitor while charts and graphs are displayed at the same time on the 40-column monitor. Stock analysis includes P/E ratios, co-officient of variability, beta factor, and percentage gains. Available charts include weekly performance, moving average, and accumulation and distribution. Data on the performance of 16 stocks is on the disk, and there is a mini word processor for keeping notes. The disk is not copy-protected.
Smart Checkbook
IBM PC, PCjr, PS/2
Smart Checkbook offers a variety of features to help home users manage their personal finances. Checks, deposits, automatic withdrawals, and other transactions can be entered into the checking account section, which accepts an unlimited number of accounts and can be used to reconcile bank statements. The checkbook manager allows the user to backup the files and modify any of the categories or accounts. Up to 200 categories are available in the budget feature, and each item can be distributed to up to 15 different accounts. Dates, names, amounts, and other fields can be searched in individual accounts, or the accounts can be combined. Budgets, tax information, personal balance sheets, net worth statements, and other reports can be printed; checks can be printed by specifying the form number.
Smart Money
Sierra On-line
IBM PC and compatibles
Smart Money can be used to control day-to-day expenditures and to plan for the financial future. The program can help set up a budget, track bills, remind the user of payment dates, and reconcile credit-card and checking-account statements. When transactions are entered, they are automatically updated to the proper accounts. This program can also be used to save for major purchases, to decide when to borrow money, and to plan investments in stocks and IRAs. Reports such as profit and loss and investment analyses can be printed for tax records and to show how the user is doing financially.
Strategy Software
Commodore 128
A market-timing program, this software uses an historical quote file and a strategy chosen by the user to simulate trades and determine the best trade strategy. It uses persistence checks and an exponential moving average of quotes to test which strategy will produce the greatest payoff; the operator could then use this same strategy in actual market trading. The package includes the main program, a program to create the historical files, a program which tracks current price activity, and several utility programs.
Commodore 64/128
Individuals can use this program to help prepare their yearly tax returns. Swiftax handles tax forms 1040, 1040A, 2441, and 1040EZ, and schedules A-D, G, W, and SE. It automatically calculates tax alternatives such as income averages to show the lowest tax to pay. Changes can be made to the tax return at a later date using the taxpayer file. Information can be printed directly on tax forms or onto blank paper. Update disks with new tax law information and tables can be obtained each year at an extra cost. The 64 version operates in 40-column mode; the 128 version, in 80column mode.

TaxView, the IBM PC version of the popular and acclaimed MacinTax, is a what-you-see-is-what-you-get tax prep package that shows actual forms on the screen. |
Tax Advantage
Apple II, IBM PC
A tax preparation program for Forms 1040, 2106, 2441, 4562, and 6251, and Schedules A-E, G, SE, and W, Tax Advantage automatically computes the totals, displays the forms, and prints out the data. It can handle income averaging, calculate brackets and liabilities, and provide year-round tax planning. This program works with with Home Accountant, also from Arrays.
Tax Advantage
Double Eagle Software
Apple II, Atari, Atari ST, Commodore 64/128, IBM PC and compatibles
This federal tax preparation program incorporates the tax-law changes for the 1987 tax year and prints out IRS-acceptable forms and supporting statements. IRS-supported forms include Forms 1040, 2106, 2441, 4562, and 6251, and schedules A-F and SE. The program can also be used for tax planning. Owners of The Tax Advantage Early Bird Edition, which includes all changes through August 1, 1987, can purchase the final edition for $15.95. The two editions are fully compatible; the final edition includes all tax-law changes through November 1987.
Tax Command Professional
Practical Programs
Apple II, Commodore 64/128, IBM PC
128K (Apple), 128K and DOS 2.0 or higher (IBM)
In this program, IRS forms appear on the screen as a series of menus into which the user enters dollar amounts. A calculator and current tax tables are incorporated into the program to automatically calculate the totals. The program can complete Forms 1040,1040-ES, 2106, 2119, 2441, 3903, and 8615 and Schedules A-F, R, and SE. (The Commodore 64 and 128 versions do not include Form 1040-ES or Schedule F.) It compares itemized to standard deductions and provides line-by-line tax information entry. A summary of the information can be printed for personal records, or the data can be printed directly onto IRS forms. Annual updates are available to registered users at half price.
Tax Master
Master Software
Commodore 64
Individuals can use this program to prepare their federal tax forms 1040 and 4562 and schedules A-F. The program includes the tax tables and a calculator function to automatically compute the amounts. Results can be transferred from one form to another, and more than one schedule can be completed for each user. This menu-driven program can store data for more than one taxpayer, and the information can be printed to the screen or a printer. The package includes an instruction manual and a coupon for a discount on the 1988 version.
Tax Preparer
Apple II, IBM PC and compatibles
64K (Apple), 128K (IBM), GW-BASIC with 192K (PC compatibles)
$250.00 (Apple), $295.00 (IBM)
Tax Preparer includes all the tax law changes through 1990 based on the Tax Reform Act and enables users to forecast their tax liabilities beyond 1987. The user enters the data, and the program automatically performs all calculations relative to the tax year entered. The data is then transferred to over 20 IRS forms and schedules. Results are checked against the tax code to make sure limits have not been exceeded, and the forms, schedules, and worksheets can be printed in IRS-approved formats. Users can also create what-if? scenarios to plan future tax strategies. Onscreen instructions are provided along with a handbook and telephone support.
Tax ZipFiles
Petit Design
Apple II
Tax ZipFiles is an AppleWorks template to use in completing IRS Form 1040 and Schedules A, C, D, and E. The tax ledger feature can sort tax deductible expenses, and the speedmaps and speedpaging features aid in using the program.
Taxaid Software
Commodore 64/128, Plus/4\
An income tax preparation program written by tax accountants and designed for home use, the latest edition includes all the current changes in the tax laws far the tax year 1987. TAXAID helps prepare IRS Form 1040, Schedules A-E, and Form 2441 (child care). The menu-driven program calculates automatically with all tax tables built in. An editing feature allows users to make changes and revisions at any time. Printout is in IRS-approved format.
Park Technologies
IBM PC and compatibles
Spreadsheet program such as Lotus 1-2-3 and at least 256K memory
TaxEase helps users complete both federal and state tax forms, automatically computing the taxes and printing the results on IRS-approved forms. Values can then be transferred among the forms. Versions are available for 18 states-AZ, CA, CO, GA, IL, IN, MD, MA, MI, MN, MS, NC, NJ, NY, OH, OK, PA, VA, and WI-and Washington D.C. and the Virgin Islands. A version containing only the federal tax forms is also available. Updates are available for $34.95.
Island Computer Services
Apple II, IBM PC, Macintosh Appleworks, Lotus 1-2-3, Excel, or Works
A template for use with Appleworks, Lotus 1-2-3, Excel, and Works, this program can help users complete IRS form 1040 and schedules A-E, R, SE, 2106, 2991, 2441, 3903, 4562, 6251, 8582, 8606, and 8615. Data is entered directly into the spreadsheet cells. The program performs the calculations and can print the forms in an IRS-approved format. The tax planner can be used to estimate 1988 taxes and plan financial investments; it includes the tax law changes for 1988. Taxmaster also contains a template for the new W-4 form.
Taxpertise Preparer
Marnoble Software
MS-DOS or PC-DOS machines Lotus 1-2-3 or Symphony
Taxpertise uses a fill-in-the-blanks format so the screens look like the actual tax form. Completed forms can be printed onto a tax form, on blank paper for use with transparancies, or in an IRS-approved format. This program helps users complete the following tax forms: 1040, 1040A, 1040EX, 1040ES, 1040X, 1116, 2106, 2119, 2210, 2210F, 2441, 3468, 3800, 3903, 3903F, 4562, 4684, 4797, 4868, 5695, 6251, 8598, 8606, and 8615, and Schedules A-F, R, and SE. State forms can also be purchased for $20.00 for these states: CA, GA, IL, MD, NJ, NY, OH, PA, and VA. It's also available for Washington D.C. Disks are available in 5¼- or 3½-inch formats.
TaxView Planner
Macintosh, IBM PC and compatibles Requires MacInTax or TaxView from SoftView
This tax planning program includes tax tables for 1987-91 and worksheets to calculate taxes, tax bracket, child care credit, itemized deductions, capital loss limitations, taxable social security benefits, and the maximum IRA deduction. Users can compare up to five alternate tax strategies against the yearly taxes. The program can compute withholding allowances throughout the year and print W-4 and 1040ES forms.

Your Personal Investment Manager tracks, analyzes, and manages investment transactions, portfolios, taxes, and retirement investments. |
Apple IIGS, IBM PC and compatibles
TaxView helps users complete their tax forms or create What if? scenarios to determine the best tax plan. Replicas of 27 major IRS tax forms and schedules appear on the screen, and, when completed, they can be printed on a dot-matrix or laser printer. Forms and schedules can be linked together, and data can be imported from text files. The program checks for errors and any violation of an IRS rule. Instructions for each line in a form can be called at any time, and there are 13 worksheets to help in calculations. Versions are also available for some states, including California and New York, for $65. Annual updates to the federal tax package are $55, and state updates are $35. The IBM version operates under Microsoft Windows, a runtime version of that system is included on the disk.
Technical Analysis System
Commodore 64,128 Modem
$39.95 (64), $59.95 (128)
TAS is a charting and analysis package that stock market investors can use to automatically update a portfolio through Dow Jones News/Retrieval Service or Warner Computer Service and then draw a variety of charts and graphs showing the market trends. The program can track seven moving averages, five volume indicators, least squares, trading band, and comparison and relative charts. Data can also be entered or edited manually. Up to ten stocks can be tracked for 300 trading days on one disk. A modem is required to capture online data; compatible modems include the Commodore 1600, 1650, or 1660; Westridge; and Telelearning and compatible modems. The 128 version features macros, an automatic log-on, and quick-draw charts using one to four windows.
Touch 'n Go
Quantic Corporation
IBM PC and compatibles
Business travelers can use this program to help keep track of their expenses for reimbursement, billing, and tax deductions. Each expense spreadsheet contains 30 expense lines and covers a seven-day period. Notes can be added to individual expenses, including credit card or payment numbers. A checkbook-like register helps keep track of advances and payments. The expense notes are printed onto special envelopes in which the receipts are kept. The program also prints two expense reports-one for reimbursement purposes and a personal report for use in preparing tax returns. A year-end summary of expenses can also be printed. An onscreen, three-month calendar and a four-function calculator aid the user in entering the data. The integrated word processor can be used for memos, trip reports, letters, and more.
TurboTax 1988 5.0
Turbo Tax is a tax preparation, planning, and recordkeeping package. With this program, users can complete over 35 IRS forms plus supporting schedules and worksheets. Online instructions, including a 30second manual at the beginning of the program, help answer questions about the forms, and customer support is provided by telephone or through the ChipSoft bulletin board. A data examiner option can point out anything left out of a return, and the tax window feature displays the current tax status throughout the program. Most of the math caluculations are performed automatically, but a pop-up calculator and notepad are also available. The next years tax laws are built into the planning made of the program to facilitate tax record-keeping and planning. The data can be printed onto supplied 1040 forms, or the forms can be printed on IBM- or Epson-compatible dot-matrix printers. There are 26 integrated state-tax packages available for $40.00 each. A version for professional tax planners is also available for $295.00.
Your Financial Future
Atari ST
This program can be used to estimate future assets, taking into consideration average yields on investments, annual savings, and inflation. It can compare costs involved in leasing and buying and calculate the balance needed to maintain a retirement income. Investments and loans can be tracked and the data stored in a mini-database. A library contains a variety of reports on IRAs. Reports such as net worth can be printed.
Your Personal Financial Planner
Commodore 64,128
$49.95 (64), $69.95 (128)
Part of the Sylvia Porter's Personal Finance Series, this program provides onscreen instructions and an illustrated manual for both home and individual financial planning. A financial plan is established by answering a series of questions on career, children, savings, and financial objectives. The electronic checkbook and check-writing features can print checks, maintain balances for five checking accounts and ten credit cards, and perform monthly checkbook reconciliations. A budget can be created with up to 140 separate items. The program can also monitor personal financial holdings, aid in tax preparation, and generate financial statements. A report writer can prepare and print a variety of reports, and data can be shown on screen in graphics. The 128 version operates in 80-column mode.
Your Personal Investment Manager
Apple II, IBM PC and compatibles
The second volume in the Sylvia Porter Personal Finance Series, this program can help users track, analyze, and manage investment transactons, portfolios, taxes, and retirement investments. It can be used to let investors know about upcoming deadlines or to help investors plan their strategies. The package includes access to online services and offers one hour of prime time on Dow Jones News/Retrieval Service. The IBM version can be interfaced with Lotus 1-2-3 and other major integrated systems.
Your Personal Manager 128
Commodore 128
Up to 15 individual investment portfolios can be organized, analyzed, and managed with this program, part of the Sylvia Porter's Personal Finance Series. An investment portfolio can be tracked and updated, all transactions can be recorded, and over 35 types of statistical data and financial profiles of individual companies can be displayed. The program can notify the user of upcoming investment deadlines and monitor investment taxes, dividend income, and capital gains. A telecommunications feature allows the user to get online with electronic databases. The program also explains different investment strategies. Investment Manager can be used with other Sylvia Porter Personal Finance programs. For the 128 in 80-column mode.
Personal Financial Software
For more
information about the personal financial management software
listed in the Buyer's Guide, contact the publishers listed below. |
Arrays 6711 Valjean Ave. Van Nuys, CA 91406 Batteries Included c/o Electronic Arts 1820 Gateway Dr. San Mateo, CA 94404 BDL Homeware 2509 N. Campbell Ave., #328 Tucson, AZ 85719 Best Programs 2700 S. Quincy St. Arlington, VA 22206 Charles Schwab & Co. 101 Montgomery St. San Francisco, CA 94105 Chipsoft 5045 Shoreham Pl. Suite 100 San Diego, CA 92122 Coherent Software Systems 771 Anthony Rd. Portsmouth, RI 02871 DAC Software 4801 Spring Valley Rd. Building 110B Dallas, TX 75244 Double Eagle Software 2210 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 875 Santa Monica, CA 90403 ECON One World Trade Center Suite 7967 New York, NY 10048 |
EZ Ware P.O. Box 620 29 Bala Ave., Suite 206 Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004 Hamilton Software 3575 Ruffin Rd. Suite 103 San Diego, CA 92123 Howardsoft 1224 Prospect St. Suite 150 La Jolla, CA 92037 Info-Napse Micro Services 2801 Moorgate Rd. Baltimore, MD 21222 Intuit 540 University Ave. Palo Alto, CA 94301 Island Computer Services 3501 E. Yacht Dr. Long Beach, NC 28461 Keep It Simple Software 580 Fifth Ave. New York, NY 10036 Liberty Research 1701 Directors Blvd., Suite 550 Austin, TX 78744 Marnoble Software 3730 Kirby Dr., 12th Floor Houston, TX 77098 Master Software 6 Hillery Court Randallstown, MD 21133 |
MECA 285 Riverside Ave. Westport, CT 06880 MichTron 576 S. Telegraph Pontiac, MI 48053 Migent 865 Tahoe Blvd. P.O. 6062 Incline Village, NV 89450 MoneyCare 253 Martens Ave. Mountain View, CA 94040 Monogram 8295 S. La Cienega Blvd. Inglewood, CA 90301 MVP Software 1035 Dallas SE Grand Rapids, MI 49507 Ontek Development #3206, 24 Mabelle Ave. Toronto, Ontario Canada M9A 4X8 Park Technologies Box 1317 Clifton Park, NY 12065 Parsons Technology 6925 Surrey Dr. NE Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 Petit Design 2650 S. Shore Dr. Milwaukee, WI 53207 |
Practical Programs P.O. Box 93104 Milwaukee, WI 53203 Practical Software 131 N. Garden Ave. Clearwater, FL 34615 Pride Software 8221 Glades Rd. Suite 202 Boca Raton, FL 33434 Quantic 44 Friendly Dr. Smithtown, NY 11787 Randle, Coray & Associates Box 1228 Utah State University Post Office Logan, UT 84322 RealWorld 282 Loudon Rd. P.O. Box 2051 Concord, NH 03302-2051 Research Press 4500 West 72nd Terrace Prairie Village, KS 66208 Sedona Software 11844 Rancho Bernardo Rd. Suite 20 San Diego, CA 92128 Simon and Schuster Software One Gulf & Western Plaza New York, NY 10023 Sir-Tech Software P.O. Box 245 Charlestown Ogdensburg Mall Ogdensburg, NY 13669 |
Sky Computer
Resources P.O. Box 204 Portland, OR 97207 Softguest P.O. Box 3456 McLean, VA 22103 Softsync 162 Madison Ave. New York, NY 10016 SoftView 4820 Adohr Ln. Suite F Camarillo, CA 93010 Strategy Software 909 Carol Lane Fairbanks, AK 99712 Taxaid Software 606 Second Ave. Two Harbors, MN 55616 TaxCalc Software 4210 W. Vickery Ft. Worth, TX 76107 Timeworks 444 Lake Cook Rd. Deerfield, IL 60015 University Software 6019 Ogden Forest Dr. Houston, TX 77088 Valley Management Consultants 3939 Bradford Rd. Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 Woodbury Software 127 White Oak Ln. CN 1001 Old Bridge, NJ 08857 |