Sharp Cuts Laptop Prices
Sharp Electronics has cut the list price of its battery-powered IBM PC-compatible PC-4501 laptop computer by $300, dropping the retail price to $995.
The PC-4501 features a supertwist LCD screen, a 3½-inch disk drive, a Centronics parallel printer port, and 256K of memory, which can be expanded to 640K. Users can also add a second disk drive, a 300/1200 baud modem, a CRT adapter, an EPROM card, an extended memory card to boost RAM to 1.6MB, and an external 5¼-inch disk drive.

Other portable computers in the Sharp line include the PC-4502 and the PC-4521. The PC-4502 features two 3½-inch disk drives, 640K RAM, and a backlit screen. It retails for $1,795. The PC-4521 has a 20MB hard drive and lists for $2,995.
Sharp Electronics, Sharp Plaza, Mahwah, NJ 07430
Circle Reader Service Number 201.