Creative Computing Vol. 9 No. 12 - December 1983
- The Kaypro 10; more than just a big screen portable. by Max A. Lebow
- Casio FX-700P. by David H. Ahl
- Drawing conclusions. by John J. Anderson
- The new blue Apple; Quadlink makes your IBM think it's an Apple. by Stephen Arrants
- Pixy 3 desktop plotter by Mannesmann Tally. by David H. Ahl
- Cooking with Percom; a recipe for TI disk substitution. by Joe Devlin
- Apple Mechanic; a programmer's program. by Paul Bonner
- All in the family; Beagle Bros micro software. by Robert Engberg
- Memory-Shift. by Dan Robinson
- The Tool; a program generator cum programming utility. by Terry Harmer
- Diversi-DOS. by Robin Raygor
- Xedit: an editor for Basic. by Alan Burnes
- Graphics and music for the color computer. by Joe Devlin
- Growing up literate. by Betsy Staples
- M.U.L.E. by John J. Anderson
- Infocom does it again ... and again. by Monte Schultz; Stephen Arrants
- Large scale fun for small scale computers. by David Grosjean; James Grosjean
- Legionnaire. by James V. Trunzo
- SpaceDiscs. by John J. Anderson
- Controller update. by David H. Ahl
- Have a (Trak) ball. by Owen W. Linzmayer
- The first program; what to do after you read the manual. by Stephen Kimmel
- Basic debugging; a structured approach. by Reginald Gates
- The CBasic Clinic. by John A. Libertine
- Taking care of your computer; when was the last time you cleaned your computer? by Ernest E. Mau
- Floppy disk handling and storage. by David H. Ahl
- Keep it clean. by Lew Whitaker
- Farm videotex: as American as apple pie. by G. Berton Latamore
- Videogames: knowing the score. by Glenn Adilman
- Plotter tutorial. by David H. Ahl
- The poor man's programmable key. by Pat Macaluso
- Absolutely bombproof input routine. by Chris Glenn
- Data and text entry made easy; input line editor. by Robert J. Beck
- Apple Basic programming using a word processor. by Richard F. Thompson
- Update on FastDraw-80. by Richard J. Wagner; Frederick Wagner
- A monitor program for Vic 20. by Warren Clark
- An Applesoft simulation: gravity. by Chris Williams
- In the singular. by David Leithauser
- To recurse or not to recurse. by Edward Grundler
- High precision functions in Basic. by Albert Nijenhuis
- PolyMaze! Solver. by Dan Rollins
- Print about printers. by David H. Ahl
- Outpost: Atari. by Arthur Leyenberger
- Commodore's port. by John J. Anderson
- Notebook - portable computing. by John J. Anderson
- Computing for the handicapped. by Shel Talmy
- Apple cart. by Stephen Arrants
- Better Basic for the Apple. by Stephen Arrants
- The creative Apple. by Stephen Arrants
- Pascal programs for games and graphics. by Stephen Arrants
- WordStar with style. by Stephen Arrants
- The DIF file. by Stephen Arrants
- IBM images. by Susan Glinert-Cole
- TRS-80 strings. by Stephen B. Gray; Stephen B. Gray
- The computer image: applications of computer graphics. by Stephen B. Gray
- A guide for software entrepreneurs. by Stephen B. Gray
- Introduction to Basic programming. by Stephen B. Gray
- Educational software directory: a subject guide to microcomputer software. by Stephen B. Gray
- TRS-80 Model III assembly language. by Stephen B. Gray
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