STart Vol. 2 No. 3 - Winter 1987 - The Mega ST
- Lights, Cameras ST! Hollywood discovers your favorite computer by Michael Perry
STart Vol. 3 No. 9 - April 1989 - MIDI Breakthrough
- The Wham! Bang! Pow! ST The ST Makes Big Noises in Hollywood by Michael Perry
STart Vol. 3 No. 11 - June 1989 - ST Means Business
- Screenwriting With WordPerfect on the ST Tips From a Working Screenwriter by Michael Perry
STart Vol. 4 No. 3 - October 1989 - Stacey & Portfolio Premiere
- To Produce A Mighty Book Writing Novels With WordPerfect by Michael Perry
STart Vol. 4 No. 10 - May 1990 - ST in Hollywood
- The ST In Hollywood Sound Designing With The Mega and ADAP II Sound System by Michael Perry
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