10 *= $0600 20 PLA ; no. of bytes 30 PLA ; save start address 40 STA 1 ; of string that holds 50 PLA ; the list of items 60 STA 0 70 PLA ; get & store the 80 STA 3 ; item no. to search 90 PLA ; in a counter 0100 STA 2 0110 LDA #1 0120 STA 212 ; set BEGIN=1 0130 LDY #0 0140 STY 213 0150 LDA (0),Y ; get a char from string 0160 BPL 1579 ; is it inverse? 0170 DEC 2 ; yes, decrement counter 0180 BNE 1579 0190 LDA 3 0200 BNE 1577 ; found item yet? 0210 INY ; yes, now find length 0220 LDA (0),Y ;of item and 0230 BPL 1569 0240 STY 1 ; store in loc. 1 0250 RTS ; return to BASIC 0260 DEC 3 ; haven't found item yet, so 0270 INC 212 ; BEGIN=BEGIN+1 0280 BNE 1585 0290 INC 213 0300 INC 0 ; point to next 0310 BNE 1557 ; char in string 0320 INC 1 0330 BNE 1557 ; branch!
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