Classic Computer Magazine Archive PROGRAM LISTING: 87-04/MUSICIAN.M65

0120 ;(c) 1987, ANTIC PUBLISHING
0130     .TITLE "MUSICIAN -- Music Player"
0140 ;
0150 AUDC1 = $D201   ;Control reg for
0160 ;                 sounds
0170 AUDF1 = $D200   ;Tone frequency
0180 ;                 reg.
0190 CLOCK = $14     ;Last byte of
0200 ;                real-time clock
0210 TEMPO = $D6     ;Tempo index
0220 ;                 number*4
0230 OCTAVE = $D7    ;Octave of note
0240 ;                 (3-6).
0250 DURATN = $D8    ;Tone duration   0211 ;                 index.
0260 ;                index
0270 POS =   $D9     ;Current pos.
0280 ;                 in string.
0290 ADDR =  $DA     ;Location of
0300 ;                 string.
0310 TONES = $DC     ;Addr of string
0320 ;                 w/note info.
0330 TIME =  $DE     ;Addr of string with duration info
0340 ;               ; w/duration inf
0350 ;
0360     *=  $0600
0370 ;
0380 TOP
0390     LDA #0      ;Set default
0400     STA TEMPO   ; tempo,
0410     STA DURATN  ; duration,
0420     STA POS     ; position
0430     LDA #2      ; & octave.
0440     STA OCTAVE
0450     PLA         ;Ignore argument
0460 ;                 count.
0470     PLA         ;get addr
0480 ;                 of string.
0490     STA ADDR+1
0500     PLA 
0510     STA ADDR
0520     PLA         ;Get addr of
0530 ;                 tone variable.
0540     STA TONES+1
0550     PLA 
0560     STA TONES
0570     PLA         ;Get addr of
0580 ;                 time variable.
0590     STA TIME+1
0600     PLA 
0610     STA TIME
0620     PLA         ;Ignore hi-byte
0630 ;                 of volume.
0640     PLA         ;Get low-byte
0650 ;                 of volume,
0660     ORA #$A0    ;OR w/distortion
0670 ;                 value,
0680     STA AUDC1   ; init sound.
0690 INC1
0700     LDY POS     ;Find index into
0710 ;                 string.
0720     INC POS     ;Move right
0730     LDA (ADDR),Y ;Get current
0740 ;                 character.
0750     TAX         ; Save it.
0760     INY         ; Increase again
0770     LDA (ADDR),Y ;Get operand
0780 ;                  (if any)
0790     TAY         ;Save it.
0800     SEC         ;Make operand
0810 ;                 into an index
0820     SBC #$31    ; by subtracting
0830 ;                 a "1".
0840     CPX #$54    ;Is it a tempo
0850 ;                 command?
0860     BNE TSTDUR  ;No. Try again.
0870 ;
0880     ASL A       ;Multiply by 4
0890 ;                 for an index
0900     ASL A       ; into table.
0910     STA TEMPO   ;Done.
0920 ;
0940     CPX #$4C    ;A duration cmd?
0950     BNE TSTOCT  ;No. Try again.
0960 ;
0970     STA DURATN  ;Save new
0980 ;                 dur. index.
1000     CPX #$4F    ;Is it an "O"
1010 ;                (An Octave?)
1020     BNE TSTPER  ;No. Try again.
1030 ;
1040     SEC         ;subtract two to
1050     SBC #$02    ; find total of
1060 ;                 "3"
1070     STA OCTAVE  ; and save it.
1090     CPX #$2E    ;Is it a period?
1100     BNE TSTCOM  ;No.
1110 ;
1120     RTS 
1130 ;
1150     CPX #$2C    ;Is it a delay?
1160     BNE TSTSEM  ;No.
1170 ;
1180     LDA TEMPO   ;1st duration
1190 ;                 for this tempo
1200     CLC         ; and branch.
1220 ;
1240     CPX #$3B    ;Is it a " ; "?
1250     BNE TSTNOTE ;No. Try again.
1260 ;
1270     LDA #5      ;Delay for 1/12
1280 ;                 of a second.
1300 ;
1320     CPX #$41    ;Less than "A" ?
1330     BMI INC1    ;Yes...
1340 ;
1350     CPX #$48    ;Gr. than "G" ?
1360     BCS INC1    ;Yes, so note
1370 ;                 is illegal.
1380 ;
1390     TXA         ;Convert note to
1400 ;                 an index
1410     SEC         ; by subtracting
1420 ;                 an "A"
1430     SBC #$41
1440     ASL A       ;Multiply by two
1450     CPY #$23    ;Is next char.
1460 ;                 a "#" ?
1470     BNE FLAT    ;No. Try again.
1480 ;
1490     CLC         ;get flat of nxt
1500 ;                 higher note.
1510     ADC #3
1520 FLAT
1530     CPY #$2D    ;Is next char a
1540 ;                 "-" ?
1550     BNE TIMES4  ;No. Try again.
1560 ;
1570     CLC         ;Point to Flat
1580 ;                 value.
1590     ADC #1
1600 TIMES4
1610     CMP #$0F    ;Is Note greater
1620 ;                 than G# ?
1630     BCC TIMES5  ;No.  Try again.
1640 ;
1650     LDA #1      ;Yes. Go back to
1660 ;                 A-flat.
1670 TIMES5
1680     ASL A       ;Multiply note
1690 ;                 by 4 to get a
1700     ASL A       ; table index.
1710     CLC         ;Add octave for
1720     ADC OCTAVE  ; position of
1730 ;                 sound vlue
1740     TAY         ;Prepare to LOAD
1750     LDA (TONES),Y ;get actual
1760 ;                   sound value
1770     STA AUDF1   ; & start note.
1780 DELAY
1790     LDA TEMPO   ;Figure tone
1800 ;                 duration by
1810     CLC         ; by adding
1820 ;                 duration to
1830 ;                 TEMPO*4
1840     ADC DURATN  ; to get index.
1850 DELAY2
1860     TAY         ;Prepare to LOAD
1870     LDA (TIME),Y ;Get actual
1880 ;                 tone duration.
1890 DELAY3
1900     LDY #0      ;Reset clock
1910     STY CLOCK
1920 WAIT
1930     CMP CLOCK   ;Time up?
1940     BCS WAIT    ;No. Continue.
1950 ;
1960     STY AUDF1   ;Turn off sound.
1970     CLC 
1990 ;
2000     .END 

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