Classic Computer Magazine Archive PROGRAM LISTING: 89-04a/PROFILE.M65

0120 ; (c)1988, ANTIC PUBLISHING INC.
0150 ;
0160 ; Definitions:
0180 TEMP1 = $CB     ; Temps used in                         routines
0190 TEMP2 = $CD
0200 TEMP3 = $CF
0210 STMCUR = 138    ;  Pointer into                         user program
0220 RAMTOP = 106
0250 ;
0260     *=  $9F00
0270 ;
0285     .BYTE 0     ; Flag to enable                        Profiler
0290 ;
0300 ;  SAMPLE is the timer interrupt
0310 ; routine. It takes the current
0320 ; line number, divides it by 10
0330 ; and increments that 16-bit
0340 ; location in the RAM above
0345 ; RAMTOP.
0350 ;
0365     LDA PROFEN  ; Sense enable
0370     BNE SPL1
0375 ;
0380     PLA         ; It's off...
0390     RTI         ; just return.
0395 ;
0400 SPL1
0401     TYA 
0410     PHA         ; Must save Y
0420     LDY #0
0430     LDA (STMCUR),Y ; Get line #
0440     STA TEMP1
0450     INY         ; Point to high
0460     LDA (STMCUR),Y
0470     STA TEMP1+1
0480     BMI EXIT    ; Exit if line
0490 ;                 num is neg.
0500 ; Now, divide line number by 10
0510     LDA # <20480 ; Divisor:
0520     STA TEMP2   ;  #10, Shifted
0530     LDA # >20480
0540     STA TEMP2+1
0550     LDA #0
0560     STA TEMP3   ; Clear quotient
0570     STA TEMP3+1
0580     LDY #11     ; Loop count
0590 DIVLP
0595     SEC 
0600     LDA TEMP1
0610     SBC TEMP2
0620     STA TEMP4   ; 16-bit subtr,
0630     LDA TEMP1+1 ; ddnd-dvsr
0640     SBC TEMP2+1
0650     STA TEMP4+1
0660     CLC         ; Init.
0670     BMI NOBIT   ; Shift 0 in
0680 ;                 dvsr > ddnd
0690     LDA TEMP4
0700     STA TEMP1   ; ddnd > dvsr
0710     LDA TEMP4+1 ; Copy new ddnd
0720     STA TEMP1+1
0730     SEC         ; Shift 1 in
0740 NOBIT
0745     ROL TEMP3   ; Shift into
0750     ROL TEMP3+1 ;  quotient
0760     LSR TEMP2+1 ; Shift dvsr
0770     ROR TEMP2
0780     DEY 
0790     BPL DIVLP   ; Loop next bit
0795 ;
0800 ; Result is left in TEMP3.
0810 ; Add that result to RAMTOP.
0820     ASL TEMP3   ; 2x result for
0830     ROL TEMP3+1 ; 2-byte access
0840     CLC 
0850     LDA TEMP3+1
0860     ADC RAMTOP  ; TEMP3 is now
0870     ADC #4      ; the pointer
0880     STA TEMP3+1 ; into the RAM.
0890     LDY #0
0900     CLC 
0910     LDA (TEMP3),Y ; Get cell to
0920     ADC #1      ; increment
0930     STA (TEMP3),Y
0940     BNE EXIT    ; If inc. to 0,
0945 ;
0950     INY 
0960     CLC 
0970     LDA (TEMP3),Y ; incr high
0980     ADC #1      ;   half
0990     STA (TEMP3),Y
1000     BPL EXIT    ; Test overflow
1005 ;
1010     LDA #0      ; Stop prof
1020     STA PROFEN  ; on overflow
1030 EXIT
1035     PLA 
1040     TAY         ; Restore Y
1050     PLA         ;  and A
1060     RTI         ; End of SAMPLE
1065 ;
1070 TEMP4
1075     .WORD 0     ; Temp used in division

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